Saturday, February 24, 2007


I have been reminded recently of how grateful I am for my child. Sometime in the last few months he has grown up. I'm not sure when it happened, but I am suddenly spending my days with a brilliant little boy instead of a baby. He surprised us a few weeks ago by counting to 10 all by himself when he didn't know we were listening. Could it be that he actually listens to me when I speak?

We were driving this week and as we approached the library he got very excited... it's a super fun place! He then pointed which way we needed to turn to go home. I played along and asked him at every turn which way to go. He correctly directed me at every corner until we pulled into our driveway. I was amazed that he had been observant enough to know how to get around our community.

I also learned this week that the little smarty-pants enjoys discussing the weather. We've had a bit of rain lately and obviously that has prompted his interest in what's going on outside. He'll inform me whether it's sunny (with blue skies), cloudy, chilly (which always means he needs his jacket immediately), or blowy. If it's dark outside, and not cloudy, we need to find the moon.

This is definately the age of discovery and while exhausting at times, I am continually amazed.


Kelly said...

They really are like little sponges -- just soaking it all in. It's amazing when it starts to come back out. He's very cute!

sista # 2 said...

hi. just read Emily's post about your blog & how we are "neighbors"!
Not literally :) same city? Mesa?
Fun to blog. Your little guy is a q.t. I also enjoyed your 100 below