Saturday, July 7, 2007

Independence Day brought a wonderfully-planned ward breakfast complete with trivia, music and games. Normally we would have skipped out on the games all together seeing as we haven't had children old enough to enjoy those kinds of festivities, but this year, Coop was in the middle of all the action. The favorite was filling a bottle with holes in the bottom with water and racing down the yard to a pitcher, retaining as much water as possible. If I only could have captured the look of determination as Cooper kept getting splashed in the face as he ran as fast as he could toward his friends. Seeing him excited with all his little friends reminds me how quickly he's growing up. We finished off the day with friends joining us for a swim and grill. We have fantastic friends who are ready for an impromptu party anytime, which I very much appreciate.

The infamous 07/07/07 brought lots of housework, yardwork and... Seneca's swim debut!
Cooper reasuured her that it would be great fun. He also thought she looked fantastic in her first little swimming suit.

My squishy bathing beauty

She actually quite enjoyed herself, despite what Cooper calls her "grumpy face." She's really not grumpy, just a little heavy in the cheeks... She fell asleep in my arms after floating around for a few minutes.

Our attempt at a self-imposed family pool photo

And here are my littles today after church. Cooper is warming up for Hawaii in his new shirt from Grandma and Seneca is being a good sport as her big brother gets the hang of holding her.

Today I love being home, I love my ward, my friends and my wonderful little family.


sista # 2 said...

I LOVE your pix!! Seriously. I want to squeeze those cheeks.Cooper is adorable holding lil sis. The shot of the 4 of you is so cute ;) ciao

bryn said...

although i haven't had a chance to comment on your recent posts, i just wanted to say how thrilled i am for you guys. you all look so wonderful, happy and content. what many recent blessings you have to enjoy! we were so bummed we missed out on the july 4th festivities. by the time lance got home and everyone was ready it was just too late to pop over. so hopefully another time. thanks so much for your generosity.

Amy said...

I love Seneca in her cute little suit! A bathing beauty I must say so myself. Plus, what are we going to do when I move away??? We leave this week & I am at a loss of how to stay connected with everyone. I think a monthly luncheon is in order! :)

Emily said...

Cuteness! Where did you find her adorable swim suit? I love it. So glad you are having so many things to enjoy right now!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I was going to ask where you got that cute suit, as well. Glad you had such a fun holiday!

Nancy said...

That is the cutest baby swimsuit! Also, great family photo!

Amberly said...

for those of you who care to check back, the little suit was on sale at the GAP, I got a dress in the same print, I thought it was completely darling.

Sandi said...

What a great commentary. Remember it for those days when things are not so wonderful and thank you for letting me care for your beautiful children.

Amy said...

So much to catch up on! Seneca is darling...I definitely need to meet you guys sometime soon!

The Silly Witch said...

So so sweet!

Karen said...

I love all of the pictures. We all had a great time swimming, so thanks for the invite. Cooper and Seneca look cute.