The one thing getting me through each day, however is that we are a week away from closing on our business. Can you hear the Hallelujah chorus going off in my head? We found a buyer, he's terrific and he's excited to get moving on this, but not nearly as excited as I am to be out of it! There will be some transition time the next while, but the bulk of the responsibility will be turned over by the end of the month- that, my friends, will be something to celebrate!
---Editor's note: this piece of unwelcome news just in... they want to push the closing date until the end of the month and have my current duties continue through September. I am NOT PLEASED. No, not one bit.---
In Cooper news, he has come from pansy to super-hero in a matter of months when it comes to his confidence in the swimming pool. I know, I shouldn't call him a pansy- perhaps a scaredy-cat? I can say that, I was one too. Still am sometimes. Anyway, at the beginning of the summer the kid would scream like crazy if you tried to take him off of his safety zone, aka the steps. Forget about going under the water. He's slowly made progress this summer, and enjoyed being in the water more, but it was still like pulling teeth getting him to try new things. However, last week we had some friends come swimming and something completely clicked with him. He decided he wanted to be like Ethan (I love Ethan) and do it "all by himself." He was referring to jumping in the pool. I assumed position to catch and he said, "no, mom, you don't catch me, I do it myself." Ha, I thought. Sure, go ahead. He really did! He jumped in, fearlessly, came up for a breath and then turned and swam to the wall! WHAT?! Granted when I say swim, I mean paddle and kick for dear life, but the fact that he was doing it willingly was amazing to me. Great amounts of praise were prompty showered upon him and he's been a little dare devil ever since. It makes me happy inside that he's overcome this fear he had, but also nervous that he thinks he can do anything on his own, because the swimming skills are not quite up to life-saving standards yet. Nonetheless, it was a major milestone around here.
Seneca is in full smile and coo mode. It sounds ridiculous to say how much joy that adds to our home, but she is completely delightful. When she looks right at me and smiles and tells me all about everything, it's priceless. She's awfully close to rolling over, we've got to be careful where we put her these days. She's healthy, happy and pretty darn perfect. Just let me enjoy it, I know it won't last forever. We had a hearing today for temporary custody through the state and things are going slowly but surely to get her adoption finalized. It's slated for mid-Novemeber, which seems like a long time from now, but it will come soon enough. She was super in court- and Coop wasn't so bad either considering we'd waited an hour before going in to see the judge. Luckily he was a patient guy who understood how cool swivel chairs are to a little person.
Denten is consumed with too many business endeavors that keep him busy and occupied, but he's also managed to squeeze in a trip to southern Utah, go camping with the scouts, sell our third vehicle and get the sprinklers functioning properly again. He has also served as my personal legal counsel this week, which is another two very huge reasons I'm so ready to be done with property management, but so grateful I'm married to such an intimidating guy! hee hee! Sometimes I feel like the only time we really see each other is when we both collapse on the couch or in bed at the end of the day and by then we're too exhausted to even speak in complete sentences. I keep telling myself that things will change soon... just let me believe that one too.
As for me, my tummy is poking out- already! I don't really like that- I've got quite a while to go before I should look pregnant, don't I?? I'm 14 weeks and I'm attributing the growth to the fact that the poor skin and muscles surrounding my baby are permanantly altered after already having a little person grow in there and therefore have way more give this time than the last. Don't like that either. At all. But it's better emotionally for me to think that than it's what I'm eating...
Anyway, that was quite a long update for not having much to say, huh?! I'll end with a few photos of my darlings. There Em, are you satisfied?
I think Seneca's dress is so cute. It looks like something I'd be happy to wear.
And I think it's totally normal to having your tummy poking out at 14 weeks. Nobody can tell probably but you.
Congratulations Cooper on your new found bravery!
Yes thank you, I feel much better now.
And let me just say that my tummy is still poking out and I'm not pregnant and my "baby is almost 14 months old! Seriously I think it's just stretched out skin that will never, ever be the same. Good thing the kids are so darn cute they make the "pooch" worth it.
I really would enjoy seeing your "pooch!" As much as you think you have one, I am sure you don't, but I offer my sympathies, because I hated it as well!!! I don't think my stomach will ever be what it used to be...not that it was anything to begin with, but you get what I mean! At least when I tried to suck it in before, it it just rests on my jeans...ick.
Oh my heck I didn't even know you were PREGNANT! Wow that's so exciting! We aren't very far apart - I'm only 16 weeks now. Congratulations, I am so happy for you!!!
When my children were taking swimming lessons, the middle one, was afraid of trying new things. Then they changed her instructor to a cute, young teenage boy. He would pick the kids up and jump off the diving board with them. Tori was right in there taking her turn as soon as she saw him. I think that might have been her first crush. She was about 7 years old.
Congrats on selling your mgt business. You have enough to manage now! Cute, cute, CUTE children! Way to go Cooper on overcoming your fear and having fun in the water.
Oh my goodness, that last picture of Seneca is insanely cute.
I think it's pretty normal to show earlier with the second baby. But, if you would like to think that it's what you're eating, then I think you should just go ahead with that idea. Whatever comforts you!
Good luck getting rid of your business on your terms! We are going through a similar thing (though probably not as intense) with Keith's practice sale. Can't wait for that to be over!
okay that is the cutest little dress i've ever seen. you have such great taste!
Chocolate Brown and Pink...such a cute dress...if I ever have a girl, hope those colors are still in style! No more plaids, solid colors and sport themes for my girl!
Any girl who has babies close together is really a gifted and special takes an outlook on life that is divine and so optimistic. You will do a phenomenal job at raising your babies (all at the same time!) and you have so many people who love you to keep you sane!!!
Oh my gosh Amberly! Your story is pretty amazing, and your attitude is even more amazing! I don't know if I'd be that positive. I can't believe you'll have kids 8 months apart. Wow! Seneca is so cute! LOVE her dress!
Seneca's dress is SO adorable. She and Cooper are such cuties!
You have so much going on. I hope things slow down a little for you. Good luck!
She has gotten so big already. Where did the time go. And I was laughing so had about your story with Coper in the pool. I have sooo been there! And it makes you so nuts when your kid acts scared!! It's just a pool right!? :) And all of the sudden, they dive right in. Then I wish they still were scared. That is way easier! :)
Thanks for the update. Seneca and Cooper look adorable. I am glad Cooper is loving the water.
It's been so long since I've visited your blog! I think Seneca is so beautiful and that dress - you must tell me where you found it! So sweet. I am so happy for your pregnancy. We just had an IUI done this month and are waiting on the results! What a lovely post!
That last smile is absolutely priceless! And I love the little brown dress.
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