Monday, September 10, 2007


This morning I attended a memorial service for Alice Jane Burr. She was born still to my dear friend Karen after having the cord wrapped around her neck. It was a sweet memorial and I'm glad we decided at the last minute to attend. Cooper was reverent as we talked about Max's little sister who was going to live with Heavenly Father instead of with Max and his family. My heart has been been full for Karen and Jared as thoughts of them and baby Alice have flowed in and out of my mind this week. I ache for their loss and at the same time feel full of gratitude, both for myself and for the knowledge that they bring to this tragedy. I know that little Alice has an important work to do for our Father in Heaven, but I also know that doesn't make the hurt go away right now.

I have been reminded of two specific blessings this week. The first being that I am enormously grateful for my children. Despite the fact that on occasion I have been willing to sell to the hightest bidder, I am grateful that Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to watch them grow, to laugh, to sing, and to smile. As I checked on a peaceful, sleeping Cooper and wrapped Seneca up before putting her to bed last night, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed at the fact that I have a healthy smart little boy and a gorgeous sweet baby to hold close and another on the way while some are dealing with never getting to enjoy the child they carried for nine months. I need to remember more often to enjoy them instead of merely live with them.

The second thing I am grateful for is the knowledge that I have of the plan of salvation and the fact that if I were to ever lose one of my dear children, I know I will have the opportunity to be with them again. This has brought peace and calm to both myself and Karen this past week as we don't need to live with a permanant loss, but a separation during which time our Father in Heaven is holding our dear ones close. I watched the incredible strength in which Maren and Nick handled the loss of their sweet Stacy and considered it a priviledge to have spent the time with her that they did. I observed the heartache the Hunt family went through after Wade lost his brother, but was impressed with the calm that has settled over Wade as he has come to the knowledge that Reid's life was something to be celebrated, not mourned and that while it can not be explained at this time, he will see his brother again.

As I now ask Cooper for the millionth time to please finish his lunch, I know how blessed I am to be in the presence of these sweet strong spirits and recommit to treat them as such, and heaven, please bless me with the patience and continued insight to do so.


Sandi said...

Fantastic insight and a great reminder.

felicia said...

Thanks so much for your entry today Amberly. It is so important to "enjoy" rather than just "endure" and it makes me ever so grateful that we know of the plan of salvation! Thanks again:)

Lindsay said...

sister remember i will always be the highest bidder. whenever you want to get rid of them i will take them!

The Silly Witch said...

Thank you so much, Amberly. We are so blessed to be in their presence, aren't we? But thank goodness for bed time, so we can have time to reflect on how wonderful they are.

Price Cream Parlor said...

I loved your quote today of "enjoying them and not merely living with them". So sad for the loss of your friends baby.

bryn said...

blessings come in so many packages. your insight was much needed. hope you are well and congrats on the potty training success (from previous post).