Going to the dentist is not typically an especially exciting event for me- I don't dread it and always love the feel of newly polished teeth, but when it's your first time, it's something different entirely.
Coop's almost three, which is when our dentist recommends first seeing children, so he accompanied me to my routine cleaning and check-up today. The idea was simply to get him to sit in the chair, have a little ride and become familiar with the office. I was anticipating that I would go first, Cooper would watch and then have a minute in the seat himself before we left. I was hoping that he wouldn't clam up and not repond to the hygenist, but was fully prepared for that result.
Not so. He went first. He climbed right up in the chair and held on as she moved him up and back. He looked up at her and opened wide! It helped that we were with Mary, she's a fantastic woman who made Cooper feel like such a big kid. She counted his teeth (he has 20, normal, good) and then asked me if I wanted them polished or if that was good for today. I guess it's not typical because the little people have trouble sitting with their mouth open for very long, but no, he wanted them brushed with the special tickle brush. Bubblegum flavor, a tiny vacuum in his mouth and a water sprayer... it was super. I was so proud of him! He even let her floss his teeth- He was a pro! He knew just what to do, and with no coaching mind you.
I know it's not a huge thing, but it was so nice that he enjoyed the experience instead of it being scary. He reveled in his new sticker and toothbrush and climbed back in the chair when the dentist came in to take a look. And I'm happy to report that neither of us came away with any cavities or bad news... we've got healthy mouths at our house!
that's great-good for cooper! that's exactly how i felt when jake just went for the first time. they're growing up!!!!:)
What a good boy. I was always told that babies should have their first dentist appointment at age 1. Um...most kids don't even have all of their teeth by then. Gwen has not gone yet, but thankfully, she loves to brush her teeth.
He is already ahead of the pack in more ways than just the dentist. What a cutie. But you know I'm prejudiced.
and all of that in such a cool outfit. what a kid.
That's awesome! It's the beginning of a beautiful smile that will last a life time.
I think that's a huge thing for sure! So wonderful that you won't have to dread that with him.
Way to go Coop!
The day of Chloe's (now 13) first DDS appointment -I got in a fender bender! She was 4. Quite the memorable day.haha
Cute photo. Wish I had one ;)
I am still working on getting Wes to the dentist...most of the places I call require him to be 5! So, consider yourself lucky at age 3 for sure...that is great!
How is that belly of yours and the sweet boy that is developing- and did you get everything taken care of with your business?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AMBERS! I hope you have a great day! Love you!
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