Sunday, September 9, 2007

Seneca Laughs

Senny-baby is delighting us daily with her smiles and coos. Unfortunately my camera is somewhere up in the mountains of Southern Utah accompanied by D who is searching for the largest elk nature makes, so you'll have to take my word for it. She is still an incredibly content baby who goes with the flow and demands little. She is, in short, a pure joy. She rolled over for the first time on Sept. 2- she did it twice and by the time D got downstairs to witness, she was done. He missed another first yesterday as she decided to laugh for the first time- it was hilarious! Watching her little chubby face squish up and laugh out loud was so fun for me. I'm glad that Heavenly Father still enables me to be so taken by such little milestones that I'm sure any non-parent would find insignificant. I have loved being a mom this week. I usually don't mind being a mom, but this week was an especially good one for my children and I.


Kelly said...

Baby laughter is the best sound ever! How fun for you!

Sandi said...

I had the personal joy of watching the Seneca smiley show today. What a precious, precious bundle.

tenacious d said...

That's so neat that you've been having a great week with your sweet children. Love the reports of Coop's successes and Seneca's milestones.

Emily said...

Okay, I know it wasn't what this post was about but my favorite sentence is "looking for the largest elk nature can make". I love it!

Nancy said...

Seneca sounds sooo cute! i hope to meet her someday.