Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Three-day Potty Training Success!

We have had a terrific potty-training experience the past few days- not frustrating, not messy, not awful- it has been so amazing. Perhaps my expectations were a little low!

We decided to stick around for the weekend in hopes of getting Cooper potty-trained. Denten is going to be out of town for the next while and I wanted this milestone to occur before he left. I'm so glad we did! Friday night I reviewed my plan, taken from www.3daypottytraining.com and geared myself up for the next morning. We had three days of weekend where we both would be somewhat available, one of us to give Cooper the constant watch and attention he needed and the other to take care of Seneca's limited needs.

Saturday arrived and Denten took the reigns. He put Cooper in underwear (no diapers all day) and explained what was to happen and to be honest, it was such a great day! I was fully prepared with extra patience and knowing that the floor would have to be cleaned numerous times... I didn't clean up a mess all day long! This was such a fun process for him, we were super positive about it and he totally responded and found success himself, it was terrific. He would start going in his underwear, stop himself and say, "I wet!" Run to the bathroom and finish in the potty. We went through numerous pair of underwear, but nothing ever went beyond that- I was amazed.

Day two was Sunday, which I was a little nervous about considering we didn't leave the house at all day one. He did great, keeping his underwear dry all during church. He also stayed dry during his nap, we were so glad that learning the self-control part of all this was clicking.

Day three was similar, he told us each time he needed to go and ran to the bathroom. We went out to eat and no accidents. We put a diaper on him at night and at 11:30 he ran out of his room saying, "I'm wet!" He went to the potty, went back to bed and was dry this morning. Dry. That's unheard of for this kid. I usually have a pretty heavy diaper in the morning, but he waited until he woke up and then went. Sorry for all the details, but this was so different from what I expected to happen. I have heard horror stories about how difficult this would be and perhaps Coop was just ready, but this was really fun for all of us. It was great to see him so pleased with himself and praise him all day long for being such a big boy. We didn't follow the 3 day plan online to the tee, but there was enough guidence in there for me and the phrasing we used and the positive reinforcement was all terrific.

He is currently at preschool and we are both confident that he'll be just fine. If I knew it was going to be this easy, I would have done it a lot sooner, but I also think that he was just ready now. I'm so proud of my big boy and I love that he's so proud of himself! Congratulations Cooper B!


Scrap Happy said...

Yeah Coop! We still haven't gotten the overnight thing figured out over here yet...!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

So I looked at the website you mentioned, but I also noticed you said you didn't use all of the ideas. Is it worth the $24? What is the big secret? Praise? Just letting them wear underwear and have accidents without freaking out? Trenton has all of the concepts. I think he just doesn't always want to go if there is something more interesting to do, and I don't know about naps, overnight, and long trips away from home. Anyway, I'd love your input.


Sandi said...

Way to go. I'm not surprised. Coop is a very kewl kid.

Amy said...

Congrats! I'm having a more tormented version of potty training right now. I love to hear these *easy* stories. That's how it was with my first.

Kelly said...

Well, I don't know who deserves congratulations more -- Cooper or you! That is really fantastic!

I loved catching up on all your vacation posts. It looks like Hawaii was so relaxing and just heavenly. Loved the pictures of your family on the beach. Beautiful!

Karen said...

Congrats. I am so happy it is going well. I will have to try this with Payton when we get back from California.

Jana said...

Wow, I had to just catch up on all the posts. You have been busy. And potty trained?! That is so great. I loved having Jackson potty trained. It was a whole new world.

Mandy said...

That's awesome. I'm so glad that went well for all of you!

tenacious d said...

Congratulations! That is a real accomplishment--and so nice that you won't have the spectre of three kids in diapers at the same time hanging over you.

Looks like you guys had such a great time in Hawaii. Yay! You needed that break.

The Silly Witch said...

I can see I've got to check out that website.

The Hunt's said...

He is so advanced! I love him soooo much!

Emily said...

Yep, when they are ready, they're ready. And when their not, their SO NOT! Glad he was ready when you were! Although I don't know why you don't think 3 in diapers would be fun!

Jess said...

Wow--3 days??? I will definitely be using that website in a couple of years.