Cooper had been planning the scary face he wanted on his pumpkin all day and couldn't wait for dad to get home. He was not up for reaching his hand into the pumpkin to scoop out the goop... "too yucky."

Our master carver

The final product, Cooper was very pleased!
So cute. We did pumpkin carving, too.
I noticed you have a bumbo chair. Do you like it? I'm thinking Sam might need one.
P.S. Did I mention your kids are adorable???
We carved pumpkins with our neighbors last night. It must've been the universal FHE! Cooper does look quite satisfied with the results. Seneca in her chair is so cute. I love her little pumpkin suit.
erin, the bumbo chair has actually been recalled in the last week. parents have left their children up on tables or countertops unattended and when they are strong enough to arch their backs, they can tip over... my friends that have them are sticking with them, and simply not leaving their children unattended. common sense if you ask me!
Coop looks very happy with his pumpkin. And I must say I'm relieved that my little boy isn't the only one who finds the pumpkin guts "too yucky" to touch! He actually cried the first time we carved pumpkins when he was about 6 months old and his dad put his hand in the stuff and he's been turned off by it ever since! Oh and yes, I'll post a pic of us in all our costumes later, the one that got taken at the party turned out blurry for some reason.
Is Seneca trying to fly in the last picture?
Cute family pic!
Amberly, I'm so happy to see pictures of your beautiful family! I'm connecting you to mine if you don't mind so I can keep better track. You're pregnant??? That's beautiful. I mean, that's wonderful and you're beautiful. And for the record, Jenny of Jenny and Damon is like GK's sister. They grew up together in Santa Clarita, CA. PS. I'm so happy to be back in touch.
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