Friday, October 12, 2007

Five for Friday

1. A night out with good girlfriends always takes more planning and emotional energy than it should, but is usually worth it. My evening last night was later than expected, but much more fulfilling as well. I value that my friends are thinkers and doers and that improving ourselves is just as important as sustaining and supporting those around us. Thanks to the ladies for mind-stimulating conversation and a reminder that while the daily life may seem mundane, it has more to offer than I normally choose to take part in.

2. Uninterrupted time at home should never be underestimated. Sometimes it's ok that organized activies are missed when the result is major progress on home projects that have been on my list for a week, and the motivation finally showed up. My loft/office space is finally coming together- still needs some attention, but much progress was made this week- an organized space means a happy mom!

3. Catching up with old friends: great. Being reminded in the process of the beauty in the world I'm missing out on: not so great. Our dear friend Katie was here this week- she is a PLSI and law school friend and seeing her and having her catch up on our little family was wonderful. The meeting happened at the Gila River Resort and getting there was completely depressing to me. The resort is great, very nice, but the land it occupies is desolate- no trees, lots of ugly, colorless brush- and you wonder why the white man turned it over to the indians? I'll keep my ranting at bay for now.

4. Harvest Holiday or whatever this silly week off of school is did enable a fun trip to the zoo with fun friends, but having Cooper back at preschool next week is something we're both looking forward to. I just don't have the same knack for stimulating his little brain as others do and while I've been hearing the letter sounds all week, it will be nice to return to normal activity.

5. But before we return to normal, we're off to San Diego for the weekend- as soon as dad gets home. The bags are packed, the kids are napping, the house pretty darn clean and we're ready to go. We're spending tomorrow at Legoland with Coop and Senny's cousins and considering amusement parks have little to offer a 4-month old child or a 5-month old fetus, I have a feeling Seneca and I will be spending a good amount of quality time hanging out together, which I don't mind at all! We'll leave it to Dent to keep up with Cooper, who has had his Legoland map out today reminding me of all the favorite attractions... wish us luck and have a fabulous weekend.


Nancy said...

good luck! enjoy san diego, it's one of my favorite places. I'm trying to figure out how to retire there. Preferably soon. :)

Kelly said...

Have fun on your little getaway! When did AZ schools start having a week off for Harvest Holiday? Interesting!

tenacious d said...

Oooh! I hope that you guys had a fun weekend. Sorry we had rain for you on Saturday.

Becky said...

So fun to see you at Legoland! Hope your weekend was fun :)

Sandi said...

5 amazing things and fun in San Diego, what a life.