Monday, October 8, 2007

My thoughts

Thanks to all of you who either in comment or spirit have sent positive messages my way regarding our possible adoption delay. I have completely felt uplifted by your energy and appreciate the reassuring thoughts. Things are looking much better this week. Between me changing my thought pattern and Denten doing loads of research, I think we're back on track.

I have been strengthened in my belief lately, through both conference and my own research and experimentation that it is completely true that the energy flows where my attention goes. If I am focused on the negative things happening to me, those thoughts continue to be manifested by those events continuing to occur, but when I am vigilant about putting positive thoughts out there, I am able to attract those things to me. Between this miraculous pregnancy, the vehicle I'm driving, and the events unfolding in my family I am convinced that if I am specific in what and how I ask for the things I desire, the right people will fall into place to make them happen. The challenge is to stay in this mindset because while it's natural, it's not completely familiar, but I'm working on it! I'm learning a lot on this subject right now and while I still have a lot to understand and process, I appreciate the positive light it has brought to my life lately.


bryn said...

what a remarkable ability we have to truly decide the course our lives will take. i am thrilled things are on the upswing for you and your ever growing family.

p.s. happy birthday, cute cooper.

Amy said...

I've been working on this too & I fully agree. We have so much untapped potential! Yeah for happy thoughts!

Amy said...

I've been working on this too & I fully agree. We have so much untapped potential! Yeah for happy thoughts!

2x2momma said...

I am so inspired by the choices you are making Amberly! Thank you for staying positive because it helps encourage me!

Kari said...

I appreciate your sincerity and honesty in your postings. I feel even closer to you now, even though we are miles apart! You're such an inspiration and I'm so glad I can call you my friend! I too am a big believer in positive thinking. Although we can't always control what goes on around us, we always have control over our emotions, and our responses to those situations. We have the power within us to turn anything negative into a positive, wonderful and memorable experience.

Kim said...

I love the spirit of improvement that you share with all of us. I know we were put here to "Perfect the Saints" and it's so fun to see that in action! Keep up the positive energy:)

sista # 2 said...

Great post! Good reminder. I like
quotes & love reading my faves over
& over -especially in "lift me up"
department ;)Positive thinking!

Kelly said...

I'm glad things are looking up! I need to work on the positive thinking sometimes. I get bogged down in worry instead.