It's now October, a brand-new month: new dinner ideas, new money in the budget, new fall parties to plan... and a bit of a new me. I'm now officially another year older, and while it's not a significant one to the world, it's one that is demanding a few significant changes from me. I'm 29 and by the time this one is over for me I will have three children. Again, not so startling to the universe, but to me, kind of a big deal- especially considering a year ago today I was preparing to undergo IVF for the fourth time in an attempt to get number 2 here. What a year!
Anyway, back to my point... I just feel like that I've needed a revamp lately. I'm finally free of the business that I was allowing to be a burden and somewhat available to do all of the things I was missing. I don't have excuses not be bettering myself, my children and my family I have made a few personal resolutions to that end.
I have reworked my daily affirmations and recommitted myself to the positive. I have hopes of taking better care of myself, my home and my family and to dream a little bigger, because I can. I think I have hesitated asking for too much feeling that it wasn't realistic, but I have learned recently that really I am capable of anything and shouldn't hold back. Our Father in Heaven and my personal angels are waiting to bless me and to help me bless others if I will simply ask and live in a manner that allows their influence in my life.
I choose to be more in tune with the spirit and to let myself prosper spiritually, financially and in my daily tasks as I continue to rework the person I'm still trying to become. As much as I thought perhaps life would have settled down into a predictable pattern by now, there are still significant unknowns and they have a tendency to be pretty overwhelming if I forget that we are being guided and that we have a prominent role in determining the outcome, or at least the next step. So with this first post of my 29th year, when I have a choice, I choose to believe.
My Dear Amberly, I only know to 60, but those huge unknowns are still there. They are just new unknowns. You never cease to amaze me.
happy, happy birthday! seriously, could you be more put together with anymore perspective? i am impressed. i hope this year brings you all you desire and more. what a wonderful journey we are all privileged to be on.
Great Attitude Amberly...sounds like you're really having fun. What a great season in life, huh?
Good for you and happy birthday! You've filled your very short (so far) life with so many great things--how could you doubt that the Lord could give you far more than your wildest dreams?? Love ya!
Very inspiring, Amberly!
Yeah for Amberly! I believe too! I am reading a book right now that talks alot about how our thoughts influence what we become. I've been trying to think better for myself too!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday (a little late!).
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