Thursday, October 25, 2007


Thanks a million Kim! The rules are to post 6 items about yourself (habits, traits, deep dark secrets, etc.) on your blog, then tag 6 more people to do the same. This is the most generic tag I've seen, I like when they give me a little more structure around which to respond- this one is wide open!

1. I am currently eating Cracklin' Oat Bran, which is the only cereal I have consistently liked for the past 10 years. I probably keep them in business seeing as Cooper now joins me for a bowl a few times a week. He calls it "oval cereal." There are ovals inside the rectangles... the things you learn when you know your shapes!

2. I am currently in a state of active dejunking and reorganization in my home. I don't know if it's autumn or pregnancy that's spurring the quest, but so far my kitchen and my loft/office space have gotten a complete overhaul. It's fantastic to see the "donate to charity" pile grow and the recycling bin fill up and to see my cupboards, shelves and living spaces present themselves as emaculate.

3. My hair is presently as long as I think it has ever been. I have always wanted to have long hair and always envied those who did, but my priorities are such right now that while it is clean, it is not always done... I suppose the benefit is that it's easy to pull back. Note to self: schedule a trim before Chicago.

4. I am a person who strives for balance, that is to say that I love a party. I love to be with friends and family, I thoroughly enjoy a great stimulating conversation and I love to be where the action is. The the other hand, I savor the quiet moments of my day. I look forward to the hour of quiet time I have carved out for myself each morning before my home starts waking up for the day. I also am one of the world's greatest proponents of the nap. Having my children quiet at the same time each day gives us all time to regroup- time to sleep or to accomplish projects that are more productive without children around... priceless time that I intend to have last for a very long while.

5. I never doubted the fact that I was eventually going to be a mother. My patriarchal blessing indicated that would be a major part of my life and I knew it was so. There was a time, however, I wondered how it was all going to happen. Three children in about three years has pretty much answered that one. My experience in growing my family has taught me many things, mostly that there is a plan out there for all of us and Heavenly Father will unfold it to us as it needs to be. I have had my testimony of faith, patience and miracles strengthened incredibly. While my children (well, mostly one of them) drive me a bit crazy sometimes, I have a hard time with people who don't value and understand what a blessing it is to be able to be a parent. An awesome, overwhelming responsibility, but an amazing privilege as well.

6. I made a pretty dang good choice in the man I chose to spend my life with. We were discussing the other day how while my parents questioned whether I personally was ready to get married, they never once wondered whether Denten was right for me. They could see immediately the kind of man he was, that he was ambitions and faithful, that he balanced the parts of me that needed it and that we had the potential to make each other better and lift each other up to higher ground continually. I'm glad that their observations have proved correct and that while an occasional taxidermied head throws me off kilter once in a while, this man keeps me grounded, and I hope I provide the same for him.

Well, there you go, from my breakfast cereal to the guy I share my bed with- what a combo! I choose to tag: harker, karen, alicia, jackie, maren and raynie. Have at it girls!


Becky said...

Loved this list, Amberly! You are a great person.

oops--I tagged you on accident because I didn't remember Kim tagging you. you can disregard my tag OR you can tell us 6 more random things about yourself :)

Kim said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one with the organizing itch...I've slowed down a bit but I'm ready for momentum to hit me again~

sista # 2 said...

Good to read your blog and catch up! Cool list ;)ciao

Rachel said...

WHat a pleasant surprise to have a comment from you! I have missed SO MUCH! Pregnant? Holy cow! That is so amazing! What blessings! I'm with you on the Law of Attraction thing. It's HUGE! So good to catch up! :) You have a beautiful family!

Amy said...

I appreciate that you list started with your cereal & ended with your husband...isn't that how all our minds travel? From the mundane to the essential. Anyway I am excited to see you guys this weekend. YEAH!

Sandi said...

Your list doesn't surprise me. You are full of balance and it shows in everything you do. And I think your hair is adorable.

The Silly Witch said...

What's taking you to Chicago?