Monday, November 19, 2007

Seneca's Perfect Weekend

While I've been excited to post about this long-awaited event, I'm hesitant simply because my feelings on the happenings of the last few days are so strong and so positive that I want to record them well so that we remember just how smoothly and perfect everything went. As I have taken time to journal for myself, I realize that the details I want to remember will have to follow in bits and pieces as the blog post would be endless. In the meantime, here are a few photos of our precious daughter and the wonderful weekend that was.

In the courthouse just after the judge finalized our adoption of little Seneca. It's official, she's ours!

The lighting in our photos at the temple wasn't very good, but here's my family just before Seneca's sealing.

Grandma and Grandpa Robinson

With my Grandparents Banks at the Mesa Temple.

My beautiful baby girl just after her blessing.

Our little family.

Senny on her special day.

Our family being together and having so many wonderful events occur made this weekend surreal to me. It was evidence to me once again what a special little girl we have and that Heavenly Father's hand is very present in our lives. Saturday we had our adoption finalized in the morning and had little Seneca sealed to us that evening. Sunday Denten gave her a beautiful blessing and we enjoyed our family at our home for lunch before they all had to return home. Life is too quiet for me today as it often is after I've been together with all of our family, but I've also enjoyed the reminder of how precious our children are and what a complete blessing it is for me to be their mother. I am also incredibly grateful that Heavenly Father gave me Denten as he continues to be a wonderful, strong, caring father and husband who is involved in the lives of his family. It is fitting that this week is one to reflect on what we're grateful for as my gratitude is overflowing tonight.


Kim said...

Oh my goodness Amberly, what an amazing weekend! They just don't get any better than that. Thanks for sharing all the joy with us, it's really a wonderful testament to this amazing gospel and Heavenly Father's love. Congratulations to you all!!!

Lindsay said...

Good job on the pics of Senny Dent! I love the first one! I'm just so tickled that Senny is now ours to hold, tickle, and kiss for the rest of our lives!

Erin said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful weekend that must have been. You're family is absolutely beautiful!

Rachel said...

Your Chicago trip sounded HEAVENLY, but not quite as heavnely as this wonderous occasion! Seneca is beautiful in her white gown! Great pictures of all of you! CONGRATULATIONS mommy! Good things!

Karen said...

I am glad everything went so well, and I am so happy for you. Seneca's dress is perfect.

K said...

I am so happy to hear the wonderful news! Congratulations! What an incredible experience! Thanks for sharing!

Becky said...

God is so good and amazing, isn't he? Thanks for sharing your special, sacred moments with us. And, congratulations!

The Silly Witch said...

Thanks for the beautiful pictures. My eyes are welling up with tears of joy for you.

Kari said...

I'm so happy for your and your little family. You look really happy and so great! Loved the pics.

Jess said...

She looks like an angel in that first picture especially. Congratulations to your *growing* family!

The Hunt's said...

the photos of senny in her little dress are so, so cute! i wish i was there to give her a huge kiss on her huge cheeks!

bryn said...

congratulations to all of you. what a perfect day with a darling family!

Emily said...

We saw G&G last night and Grandpa told us what a special day it was. I'm so glad that all your fam could be there to share it with you!

Unknown said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and what fantastic news. And a fantastic name- I think Senny is adorable!

Sandi said...

What a wonderful time. You are most blessed because you recognize your blessings.

Amy said...

I am so happy for you Amberly! What a wonderful blessing...ahh...I love it! Your family just keeps getting better & better. I can't wait for the next baby!

wackywilsons said...

My heart swells of joy and love for you and your sweet family. Seneca is gorgeous and I am proud of you and your family for welcoming in her miracle life into your own...


The Layman Family said...

oh, congrats! I got all misty just reading your post! How amazing that she is yours forever now. I couldn't be happier for your family!

Jana said...

She is beautiful. And I am so happy that it is final and that she is forever with you both. I can't imagine how wonderful that must feel. Thanks for sharing!!

Nancy said...

Congratulations, that is wonderful!!!

Kelly said...

Oh, what a wonderful day for your family! She is stunningly beautiful in these pictures. You all were surely overflowing with Thanksgiving this year. Congratulations! Yours!

Amy said...

I am so touched by you & your beautiful little (growing!) family. Thank you for sharing so much of your story.

jared & amber said...

Congratulation! She is adorable. You look awesome.