Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas!

Grandma Tam, thanks for our new jammies!

A few highlights...

Christmas at our house was fairly low-key and pretty wonderful, except for one little thing... during Grandma and Grandpa's visit, Grandma decided to get sick Sunday and quarentined herself to her bedroom for the next two days until we had to pack her up and send her home. That was a bummer, but we were so glad to have grandpa and Uncle Drew here to hang out with. We had lots of yummy food and lots of down time and I think I've finally gotten over the homesickness that comes with knowing all my family is together somewhere else as well as getting used to a quiet house again. I don't know if it's the holidays or the beginning of a new year, but I seem to get pretty reflective this time of year and am anxious for new beginnings.

We had a little family home evening Christmas Eve with Denten introducing a new tradition where we each had the opportunity to reflect on the past year and share an experience or scripture that demonstrates how we have seen the Savior's hand in our lives. Looking over the last year, it was hard to settle on just one, but between Coop's drama, it was a nice addition to Christmas.

After a hesitant start to Christmas morning, the magic kicked in and it was pretty fun to watch my children enjoy both the giving and the receiving of the day. We were very blessed and I am grateful to have had this week to spend with my little family. Mostly I'm grateful to have had Denten around more than usual this week, and the kids have been too! Hope your was terrific as well!


Scrap Happy said...

Woohoo! A trampoline!! So is that replacing your front room furniture, or will it go outside???


Erin said...

What a great tradition. Glad you had a great Christmas!

Kim said...

Sounds like a good time...bummer about Grandma being sick though! If you get a chance, I'm totally interested in what type of Tramp that looks so fun and small:)

Amy said...

So glad you guys had a great Christmas...I agree with you that one of the best parts of the holiday is having a husband home for more family time. Your littles are so darling in their matching p.j.'s!

Jaime said...

i love the matching jammies! i look forward to those days, i guess there is nothing stopping us now, but i'd rather wait. looks like you guys had a blast. cooper is sooo big. we just love seeing all the smiles. maybe a pic of you (with that lovely growing belly) and dent should be posted next? hmmm, just a thought.

tenacious d said...

Cute pictures! I like Denton's new tradition. It's more thought-provoking than just saying what you're thankful for.

Neato tramp, too.

The Malone's said...

I love Christmas Eve traditions. Trent's fam does something similar, in that we sit in a low lit room in a circle each taking a candle and then lighting it when its our turn to say what we are thankful for. At the end the candles are all glowing and everyone's crying after some great testimonies! Cute matching jammies by the way.

The Silly Witch said...

I loved the pictures. I love your colorful house. I love your cute kids in their matching jammies. I'm so glad Christmas was good, so was ours.

Patria said...

We love the trampoline! The kids are adorable in their jammies together. what fun!

Sandi said...

I meant to ask you where Grandma was when we came over, but we were in and out so fast, I didn't get it said. Hope she is better. Smart lady to quarantine herselfe. The jammies are adorable.