I want to take a minute and let you know that I am grateful for you, for your little spirit and for the person you are becoming. I've noticed lately that you are a very sweet brother to your sister. You use a kind tone of voice with her and are very patient. I've noticed that you don't like it when she is sad and that you try to comfort her. The other night when she was having a hard time, you kept saying, "it's ok, Seneca," over and over in a sweet little voice trying to make her feel better. She is growing up a little and will continue to disrupt your little world, but as she does, I'm grateful for your love, kindness and patience with her.
I'm grateful that when you first wake in the morning or after your nap, you immediately come to find me. There are a few precious moments as you wake up that you will just sit with me, give me a hug and just be. Sometimes you are quiet and sometimes you will tell me about your dreams, but I love those few moments when you'll just sit and cuddle on my lap and let me simply hold you. I love that about you and hope that my hugs will always be worthy of your seeking.
I've noticed that you are very good at saying, "thank you." You express your gratitude freely and happily and I am proud of you for your attempts at being polite. You are also very good at remembering to ask to be excused before you get down after you eat. Your little, "scuse please, mom" is precious and I am grateful for a good boy who tries his best to remember to use his kind words.
I'm grateful for your exubrant spirit and your love for action. I'm grateful that you love being together so much that you often wait until the last possible minute before running to the bathroom. Your little, "aaahh!!" and jumping around is so funny. I'm grateful you are such a happy boy.
I've noticed that it is very important to you to be thought of as a big boy. You are in a big boy bed and have surrendered your baby 'bear' blanket. You wear big boy underwear and do not like to be called 'little.' I've noticed that you try extra hard when a task requires a 'big boy' effort. You are quick to correct me when I make the mistake of using the word little. It is not meant to insult you. I know you are a big boy and that you are growing up much to quickly. I'm grateful that you accept your role as big brother around here so willingly.
I'm grateful that you love your dad and I enjoy watching you when he comes home. Your body fills with excitement as you hear the garage door open signaling his arrival. You like to hide from him and squeal when he comes through the door. You often request that he swing you up in the air or build a new train track with you. I've noticed that you love to play with your dad, tickle and wrestle and work outside and that that time should not be inturrupted prematurely. I'm very grateful that you love your dad so much.
I'm grateful that you have developed an appreciation for music. You enjoy instruments of all kinds, dancing and are great at learning new songs. You definately have an opinion about the kind of music you listen to and I'm grateful this is something you enjoy. I'm also grateful that you enjoy reading. Each night you will sit with us and listen to stories. Your favorites change occasionally and often I am tempted to suggest anything to get out of reading something for the twelfth time, but it is wonderful to watch you develop this love for books and stories. Sometimes during naptime when you should be sleeping, I'll find you in the rocking chair or on your bed looking at your books. You love a trip to the library and I'm grateful that you enjoy learning this way.
I've also noticed that you are very creative. Sometimes you will mimic things you have seen or heard, but often the things you come up with are entirely your own. A paperclip is a trumpet and makes great songs. The carpet is more often water and there are always creatures we must avoid as we cross it. Electrical towers at the power plant look like King Benjamin's tower and you have named your trains, "happy trains."
I'm grateful for your beautiful, healthy body. It is strong enough to jump, run, climb and play and yet still begs to be kissed all over. You have a very expressive face with shifty little eyes that give you away. You have a bright little mind that is capable of retaining so much right now. I feel a great responsibility to fill it with the things that will make you the kind of boy Heavenly Father wants you to be. I am also grateful for your developing testimony and knowledge of the gospel. You have a simple faith and an interest in the scriptures and I hope your love to go to church on Sundays stays with you forever.
I'm grateful for your silliness and the reminder it is to me to relax. Your personality has a goofy side to it and it is hilarious. You are a sweet, funny, opinionated little boy and I am very blessed to be your mother. I wanted to be a mom so badly and you certainly have been worth the wait. You will continue to challenge me around every turn, but as you often remind me, Heavenly Father and our angels are here to help us. You will always be my first miracle baby Coop, and I love you like crazy.
He tops my most grateful list too. I have a hard time remembering what it was like before Coop was around, he makes me so happy!
That is a post that will be treasured forever. Cooper will love reading that as he grows up and he is worthy of every word.
I've noticed that, I've noticed that you're copying Jim Faye... great! I need to notice Amanda's positives too, so maybe she'll be willing to do what I want her to one of these days
I love your sweet letters to Cooper! They are a great reminder of theneed to see all the ood in our children, and to focus less on the little needs for improvement. Thank you.
your a good mommy.
I miss seeing that boy!
Cooper tickles my heart. This is a beautiful tribute to him. He is lucky to have you for a mom. And, yes, you are lucky to have him, too.
Absolutely beautiful. Makes me want to write one... :)
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