Tuesday, December 25, 2007


So it's 8:30 on Christmas morning and Cooper is still sound asleep. Dead to the world. Obviously there is no anticipation keeping the kid awake, but even on a normal day this hour is unheard of! We're quite tempted to wake him, and I probably will, but he was so completely exhausted and grumpy last night that we don't want a repeat performance. I know there will probably be years I will be sorry I didn't appreciate this, but it's just a little strange to have Seneca scooting around, Denten and Grandpa reading on the couch and the rest of the house sacked out so late in the morning on Christmas morning! Anyway, hope you're enjoying your festivities, check in later!


sista # 2 said...

Merry Christmas!! -Janae

tenacious d said...

Merry Christmas! Hope your day has been going well.

Sandi said...

That is funny. I don't thing that happened at my house until the youngest was 18 and in college.

The Silly Witch said...

Obviously his "Santa came last night" sensor wasn't working properly. Hope he enjoyed opening presents and that you all had a Merry Christmas.

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...

...sorry! Not quite sure what happened there!

Hope you had a great Christmas.

If only our boys had done the same!

Jenny and Darrell