In evaluating what I'd like to achieve in this next phase of my life, the overarching theme boils down to two things: being present and being grateful.
I had a wonderfully enlightening conversation with some very wise women a few days ago and was reminded of the blessings that come from enjoying the journey. My dad introduced me to this principle in relation to climbing a mountain, and while I haven't been climbing in quite some time, the analogy will always ring true. Occasionally, my daily to-do list runs my day and I don't feel complete peace until everything is crossed off, sometimes at the expense of spending quality time with my children or husband. I lay in bed knowing that all my tasks were completed, but did I actually play with or teach Cooper anything today? I fed my baby, but what four other things was I planning while I did it instead of just enjoying my baby? I am a terrific multi-tasker. Did you know that I can have Cooper eating breakfast while I feed Seneca, while I feed myself, while I go through my email, browse blogs, create a grocery list and check USA Today's headlines? Did you know that if the phone rings during this 15 minutes that I throw that in as well? Silly. I've got all day for heaven's sake. Instead of hearing myself say, "I'll be happy to help you as soon as I finish... whatever i'm working on," I'm excited to stop, look at my son and BE with him.
In the past some might have called me a worrier. An obsessive worrier that used to make myself physically sick with anxiety over the craziest things. I have been known to "sweat the small stuff." I have previously blamed this trait on genetics, but have decided I no longer need to carry that one. This year I am a Creator. I am going to play a more active role with my Heavenly Father in creating the life I want, rather than waiting for it to come to me. I have learned that I have more power over my condition here on this earth than I was previously aware of and I am excited to be taking a hold of it and making it work for me. I believe that being grateful everyday for what surrounds me will only bring more abundance, and will also make me a happier woman. I am incredibly blessed. I really have a fantastic life with more comforts than many in the world can imagine, and yet I have spent way too much time in the past waiting and wishing for more or something different. As I look at my surroundings with gratitude, I know that I will continue to be blessed.
There are two other things that I am excited to be partaking in this year. One of them is my commmittment to follow the Gospel Doctrine's outline for reading the Book of Mormon. I'm grateful for the opportunity to both study it at home and look forward to Sunday School and participate in the lessons given. I go to church intending to be enlightened, but it's not quite fair for me to expect someone to simply inject me with this light if I'm not prepared to receive it. I know that if I put in my study time, I'll learn great things about the Book of Mormon prophets and my Savior this year. I love this quote from Pres. Marion G. Romney:
"I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counself of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity... will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness."
After all, who wouldn't want more reverence, respect and responsiveness from their children?!
The last thing I am consciously implementing this year is to vow to be on the Lord's errand in all I do. To be more open to his promptings and to able to truly be an instrument in his hands by receiving the things he's trying to communicate to me. There are an abundance of service opportunities around me and as I follow the promptings of the spirit, I will know which direction He needs me to go. Without worrying about whether it's convenient for me at any given moment, if the Lord needs me, He will take care of the details.
This all may sound like a lot considering there is not actually list of resolutions, but instead of running 5 days a week, preparing dinner every night and never going to bed until the laundry is done, I choose to raise the positive energy around me, to create a higher vibration in my home and in doing so, create memories with my children. I was recently described as "high-strung," if you can possible imagine that- and some things may never change, but in this year that I am going to hit 30 years old, I am excited to BE PRESENT and to BE GRATEFUL, and therefore, to BE BLESSED. This is going to be the best year yet... hold on tight!
what an amazing set of "resolutions." if any one can do it, you can. have a wonderful new year!
can I be more like you please?!
look at you, all sorts of optimism! maybe i too will make a goal to be more present in your kids lives, like once a month i will visit them. that would be great!
Way to go Ambers. I think we have a lot in common, in the way we are wired, and the way we really want to be in our hearts. Good luck!
Thank you for the was something I need to hear today and be reminded of the more important things of life. Good luck, I'm sure you accomplish everything you put your mind to!
Inspiring! I think I'm going to adopt your philosophy in setting new resolutions. What will raise the positive energy around me? I'm tired of the lose 10 pounds, organize my house stuff. Sometimes I'm not completely in control over all that, but my energy, now that's something that's completely mine.
I think I did a good job with this when Stacy and Pippi were very little. My house was never clean, but oh how happy we were! When I started to create cares for myself beyond what I could control, I started to feel STRESSED. So may this "goals" serve you well and bring you much happiness.
sounds like a plan to me. thank you for sharing so much love! i might have to say "ditto" to all of this. don't mind if i do...
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