Sunday, April 26, 2009

couples dinner group

Whenever we host a dinner party, I always end up having such a great time preparing and getting ready that I wonder why we don't do it more often... then I remembered the three little people that live here. Ah. That's why!

Anyway, it was our turn to host couple's dinner group this week and we had a great time. Thanks to all of you who shared favorite recipies, it has been fun to try some new ones!

Our menu was as follows:

recipes and notes follow...

A few notes about couple's dinner group: I opted out of our girl's gourmet group this year in favor of a smaller group including our husbands. I was looking forward to planning and preparing with Denten and while our ideas didn't match up in the begininning, it ended up being just what I hoped for. I really enjoy cooking with him. Denten has his own particular tastes and opinions in the kitchen and often ends up being much more precise in his preparation than I do. He kindly allowed me the head chef position yesterday and sucumbed to the soux chef position, but made sure I understood that was not on a permanant basis! Anyway, he grills a mean pork tenderloin and is always good for clean-up help. We also have a wonderful group of friends here that are flexible, kind, honest and sometimes pretty hilarious.

The missionaries had the benefit of eating the leftovers tonight and were equally hilarious, and good for my ego as they kept calling the meal "gourmet!" Their eyes about popped out of their heads when dessert was served... I don't know if they were impressed or just too full to eat anymore!


Deirdre Eagar said...

LOVED everything! It was delish. Great night, great friends!! Love Ya, D

Leslie said...

Sounds like a really yummy meal! I always love when you post recipes, whenever I try them they are instant favorites! Can't wait to try some of these!

kimmalee said...

Wow Amberly! It sounds like such a fun idea and the food looks amazing. so do you have four different couples and take turns making meals once a week? Is it couples only and you get baby sitters for dinner? How does this work because it sounds like so much fun!
I can't wait to try some of these recipes. Thanks for sharing them! I'm always up for new ideas in the kitchen. I get bored with what I know how to make.
Also, thanks for keeping up on our blog and with Glenn's situation this week. It's so great to know that we can be close this way even though we live so far away from each other. Love you babe!

Rebekah said...

Wow sounds like you had a great eating experience. Those pictures look great, I may have to try some on my family.

tenacious d said...

ohh! they all look and sound delicious. I'm definitely going to try the pork tenderloin. we cook that a lot, and i needed some fresh ideas.