Friday, April 3, 2009

get thee hence.

To: Satan,

Listen here. Lest you think you're being sneaky and wise and that I don't see what you're up to, let me assure you of your error in judgement. I'm onto you. I see when you try to slip your little evil hand into my life and stir things all up.

I see that you were present earlier this week when I made a new running goal. I see that you have tried to thwart any forward progress I have attempted. Pretty tricky using my schedule as discouragement, leaving very few mornings or evenings available to get a run in. Pretty tricky, and mean, giving me two sick babies requiring a significant amount of my energy and to top it all off, throwing the bug at me too. "perhaps if I make her throw up and give her a monster headache, that'll stop her..." Hm. Good thing I'm onto you. Good thing my team is stronger than your team and good thing I want my own success more than you want my failure.

Did you see my team running with me this morning? My coach on his bicycle riding next to me telling me about how it's probably time for his training wheels to come off. My cheerleaders jabbering to each other as Bob carried them through my run. Did you see that? I won't thank you for accompanying me, because you're never welcome, but did appreciate the motivation to keep moving when you tried to tell me I was done. My lungs burned a little and my legs were heavy, but I didn't stop. Did you see that?

Just wanted to be clear about the fact that you're wasting your time in this house with this girl. There have been times in my life when hanging out on the edge of your world brought what I thought would be thrills and ended in heartache and disappointment. I'm done. I found true exhilaration right here, in this home where you're not welcome. I have glee, laughter, love, motivation, peace and joy.

Get thee hence. Adios.


The Hansen's said...

You Go Girl!
Leave him in the dust!

Amber said...

Well put ;o)

Aunt Debi said...

Amberly, you are amazing. I love you!

kimmalee said...

Incredible, as always. Well done babe!

Katelyn & Wade said...

Satan? Is he the one? I always thought that was my inner lazy...although I suppose Beelzebub plants the seeds of lazy and doubt...

Sandi said...

Laughing out loud and loving your candor. I'm right there with ya.