Friday, April 10, 2009


my sister used to have a picture of jennifer aniston in a cut-out dress taped to the back of her bedroom door. this was not unusual as we used to have all sorts of things adorning our walls, but this particular picture seemed to be a constant even through the changing of tastes and decor. I asked her once why it was there and she replied, "look at her abs. it's motivation."

fast forward. this is the my sole source of news. my one-stop for a quick jolt of latest headlines, natural disasters, lance, tiger, hot autos, unemployment updates, all things obama (citymama, will you please go visit mrs. obama's garden for me?), idol chatter and celeb gossip in general. while perusing today I came across a photo of dara torres. one that made me look away and then look again.

it was this image that kept popping into my head as I was running tonight. motivation, if you will.

this woman is a mother. you just looked at her stomach again, didn't you? not an adoptive mother, an actual I-carried-a-baby-in-my-stomach-for-nine-months-mother. sure it was a while ago, but seriously. she's also 41 years old. I'm choosing to be oblivious to the possibility of surgery and would rather be impressed.

So to my post-baby-bellied friends who think that simply because the age 30 is upon you that somehow means the best years of your body are behind you... I kindly say, B.S.


The Hunt's said...

for real. bring it dara.

KA said...

That just got me to put my running shoes on.

Kari said...


I was just asking G today if he thought my stomach would ever return to its normal size. Now I know that it is possible. With a LOT of work. But still possible. :)

Thanks for the motivation!

Kristi said...

I was impressed with her in the Olympics, but now even moreso after seeing those babies! I'm going to go do 100 more situps, and them maybe 100 more before bedtime!

Long Family said...

Wow! I really needed a motivational boost-thanks

Tutz said...

I don't believe it, I just don't believe it! I think it is spray-on makeup lines. It just isn't humanly possible to have a stomach like that after a baby and at her age. Is she from another planet???

Tutz said...

You young things knock yourselves out!

The Hunt's said...

This is like the 18th time I've come back to look at this. I just love it. Perhaps she needs to replace Jen.

Susanna said...

I think everyone is entitled to their own method of motivation.

However, in this case, it may be wise to remind yourself that professional athletes, models and actresses often have a personal trainer, chef, publicist and nanny.

This is not to say that we shouldn't put on our running shoes or yoga pants. We should.

But if you don't have 4 hours a day to work out, don't worry. Enjoy 30 minutes and then go read a book to your baby.

Erin said...

I'm pretty sure I could never ever ever look like this. But I could be doing better then I am right now... so it is motivating to find your own best self.