Wednesday, April 22, 2009

raise me up

I heard this group for the first time this week and was amazed. They have such pure clear voices and the song is a favorite. Their version of Danny Boy is also breath-taking. Enjoy!


Kelly said...

Avery & I enjoyed that! I like their Christmas music a lot, too.

KA said...

My dad gave me their entire DVD concert for Christmas and it is AWESOME. If you have the opportunity to see it, be forewarned, don't try to multi-task, b/c you won't be able get your chores done. ;-)

Annika said...

I saw this performance on tv, they are pretty talented.

Anonymous said...

We discovered them a year or two ago. Even a favorite of my kids. Love them!

Kristi said...

Isn't music wonderful! I've heard them before and think they are amazing.

Sandi said...

I adore them. Thanks