Wednesday, May 13, 2009

seen and heard.


heard:  seneca saying, “I ready eat, mom.”  about 20 times a day.

seen:  seneca and beckham holding hands in the front of the double cart at costco.

seen:  senny kissing beckham in the cart.

heard:  beckham squealing and laughing at his sisters kisses.

heard:  cooper singing in costco.

heard:  amberly wishing for the first time ever that she had some sort of affiliation with ASU so she could finagle tickets to today’s graduation ceremony.  I’d totally sit in the heat to hear the guy speak.  I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. 

heard:  cooper singing in the bathroom.

heard:  cooper wondering where the bad people go when the police take them home.  mom explaining that the people who broke the law go to jail until the judge decides whether they need to pay a fine or stay in jail for a while to think about what they did wrong. 

heard:  cooper saying he will never break the law.

seen:  seneca and bex both blowing bubbles in the pool.

seen:  denten ridding his legs of all hair in true tri fashion.

seen:  amberly enjoying said smooth legs.

heard:  cooper at dinner:  “this is one hot taco, mom!” 

seen:  beckham following simple directions:  “bring me your shoes, please.”  seneca is looking for her baby, beckham retrieves it and bring it to his sister.

seen:  seneca trying to wear her baby’s socks and thinking she is pretty funny.

seen:  beckham kicking his little legs for all he’s worth whenever something edible is headed his way.

heard:  cooper putting on “shows” for us all day long, practicing his songs for preschool graduation.

heard:  seneca talking on the phone to whoever will listen to the very important things she has to say. 

heard:  beckham requesting wa-wa (water) whenever he is hot.

seen:  beckham whacking his sister on the head with a book.

heard:  from senny:  “no, no, beck!” 

seen:  cooper (the gatekeeper) making us all say the secret pass code before we get in the car to go to school.  mom having absolutely no clue what the pass code is.  for the record, today it happened to be, “circle, line circle.”  of course.

seen:  beckham’s cheeks being so completely irresistible I can’t handle it.


kimmalee said...

Oh geez your kids are seriously so cute. I love the little things you think to record so you don't forget them.

The Silly Witch said...

I love this post. It captures your family life so well. I'm so glad you are enjoying the secret pass code play. It drove me wild.

The Hunt's said...

Nice Dent. Who's speaking at graduation? I wish I could see a show. I'd like to give Senny a snack and Bex a kiss.


Partridge Family said...

The way you write makes me want to have 10 kids. Although I know being a Mom is hard and a A LOT of work, the way you write makes me laugh and want to experience all of those same experiences.

......Maybe I'll just sit here and read your blog and laugh instead of having 10 children.

Sandi said...

Don't you wish you could keep that innocent joy your whole life?