Monday, August 24, 2009

a plea to heaven

dinner tonight was not cooper's favorite. his choice after a pretty tired afternoon was to either eat dinner without complaining or go up and get ready for bed.

"mom, I keep praying to heavenly father for you to be nice to me, and it's not working!"

hmmm. I suppose we better do something about that so the kid doesn't lose all faith in the power of prayer!


Lindsay said...

i cant stop laughing! you were always the meanest babysitter...

Anonymous said...

the question is...what was for dinner?!

Lindsay said...

Give that darling boy whatever he wants for dinner, then give him a big hug and send him to Gram!

Lindsay said...

That was from Cooper's grandmother! (Using Harrie's computer.)

Torey said...

So cute.

kimmalee said...

What a cutie. He knows how to work the system.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm laughing out loud. Maybe because it hits a little to close to home!

The Hunt's said...

Stop, I can't handle it. R-E-L-A-X mom.

tenacious d said...


Leslie said...

Still laughing.

Sandi said...

So, Amberly, are you going to start pointing out to him every time you are nice to him so he recognizes answers to his prayers? That child cracks me up.

Annika said...

Isn't being a kid rough? Too funny!

Stephens Family said...

Could be a good opportunity to teach him that Hevenly Father doesn't always answer all of our prayers in the way we want. : ) Oh, Coop, we miss ya!