Tuesday, September 29, 2009

right now in my house.

we were having dinner sunday and a tiny bug landed on my corn. I was done with it but still commented that I thought having a bug on my corn was gross. cooper came to inspect immediately and denten told us to eat it. eeewwww! denten proceeded to ask cooper what he would eat if he were in the wilderness and didn't have all of this great food to eat. without missing a beat, he replied that he would kill an animal to eat. I know, this shouldn't seem strange considering my husband's hunting hobby, but we've never really talked about killing animals in the wilderness to survive.

what kind of animal, coop? a deer or a bear.

how would you kill it? with a bow and arrow. denten was so pleased.

how would you cook it? remember, you don't have a stove or an oven... I would cook it on the grill.

you don't have a grill... oh yeah. he thinks for a minute.

what about a fire? oh yeah! I forgot about that one.

It was a funny conversation. We talked later about all of the things cooper is learning and the things we should be introducing him to that we haven't yet. Dent said, he may not know everything he needs to yet, but hey, our kid knows how to survive in the wilderness! Well, almost... we gotta work on that fire part...


reading downstairs, brushing teeth, saying prayers and singing are all part of the bedtime routine around here. lately cooper has taken over singing to seneca. we put her to bed, say good-night and then mom or dad is invited to leave while coop and senny say good-night to each other. cooper sings quietly to her, she often requests "sunbeep" or "twinkle twinkle" or sometimes he'll sings his superkids songs that he's learned at preschool. he'll tell her he loves her and she'll let him know she loves him too. good-night and he quietly sneaks out and softly closes her door.

they have enjoyed playing with each other so much lately. they go on secret missions together, sneaking around the house, running from hiding place to hiding place, giggling softly. they build imaginary creations, pretend they've got to get through the swamp, there is no end to the imagination between them.


for the most part, beckham has been pretty low-key around here. however, when it's time to eat, there is no delaying the process. "eat, eat, eat." he's persistent and his face displays the urgency you can hear in his voice. he's getting light on his feet and runs around here keeping up with everyone and creating adventures of his own. he enjoys joining his brother and sister, but he also enjoys the quiet that comes when they are gone. he is content to line up his trains and push them along the floor, "choo-choo!" he loves books and brings them to me all day long. he asks the same questions on the same pages and corrects me if I give him an answer other than the one he expects. he's observant and is learning from watching his older siblings. he's a little parrot and mimics what they do. I'm grateful that for the most part, it is good behavior.

I love these little people.

1 comment:

Annika said...

That is so sweet that Senny will let Cooper put her to bed. I can't wait til Ivory can put Banks to bed, heck i would just like her to put herself to bed every once in a while!