Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Five Years Old

Five years ago. New York City. A dream come true.



It took a lot of heavenly intervention to get him into my body and another round of miracles to get him out. He came just the way he was supposed to at just the right time. He challenges me every day and then makes me laugh my head off.
It's been a busy, full day, but he's happy. He's involved with great activities right now, he has fun friends and lots of family that love him. He's smart and sweet and while listening the first time doesn't happen all the time, I couldn't ask for much more than this boy. I love him like crazy. and can not believe it's been five years!!


Joni said...

Aww...Happy Birthday Cooper!

Aunt Debi said...

Happy Birthday Cooper! He is such a sweet boy and a wonderful big brother. Can you imagine having Seneca and Beck without Cooper?! Five years has gone fast.

tenacious d said...

Happy birthday, Cooper!

kimmalee said...

Oh my goodness he is so cute! I think that second picture looks a little like BJ. Happy Birthday Cooper!

The Hunt's said...

Oh Coop, you big crazy. I love you sooo much, number 4.

The Silly Witch said...

So beautiful... So peaceful... I should stop and look at my beautiful boy's sleeping baby pics more often. I can't believe it's been 5 years either.

Tutz said...

It's the Big Five, Coop!! What a big, kind, wonderful boy you are.
I love you sooo much, too, number five!

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday, Cooper! Wow, 5 years old!

Stephens Family said...

Happy Birthday Coop!! Dylan sure misses ya! Maybe we could get together and play soon. He needs someone to run with, chase and well, scare us Mom's with your craziness.