Sunday, February 7, 2010

Writing Project, 2010. {you play a part.}

I have a dream.

A dream to be a great writer.

I'm not sure that my dream involves being officially published, although that would be hugely satisfying. I just want to be able to create pieces of writing that take the reader somewhere else for a short time. To create a story that one doesn't want to end or that he can't get enough of.

Sometimes writing is a talent, sometimes my lack of creativity puts it away for a while. Sometimes it's a hobby, one I yearn to have more time for. Mostly, it's just a dream. Denten asks me often why I haven't written a book and my answer is always that I don't know what I would write about. He tells me that is a lame excuse.

Regardless of whether a book is in my future, I would like to spend a little more time developing this little talent/hobby/interest of mine.

And here's where you come in:

I kindly request you to submit a word to me. A concept, a color, an object. A theme, a verb, a condition. An issue, a person, an experience. Someone I know, or don't. Something I have experience with, or not. Something physical, emtional, spiritual. Something I can run with, left to my own interpretation. I will put your suggestions in a bowl, draw one out at a time and write on the subject. Right here on this very blog.

For example: if you were to give me the word "ferocious," I might come up with something like the following: I was awakened by an incredibly ferocious storm last night that yanked me from a deep REM cycle and left me prone, flat on my back, paralyzed as the mean rain slammed sideways into my window and the wind, who was on a mission, swirled and howled around my home sending anything that wasn't attached clear into oblivion in a matter of seconds.

This is what I came up with at about 3:00 a.m. this morning when the very thing occurred outside. Some days you might get a better product, some days you won't. Some days it might be a story, others, an essay.

Is there something I have experienced that you want to know more about? {please note that I only contain minor amounts of both sarcasm and narcissism.} Here's your chance. Give me a word and you'll get my response. {a friend once asked me to record my thoughts regarding adoption. I'm not sure I ever did that adequately for her}. When I declared a few days ago that I love my friends, those are the thoughts that spilled out when writing about them.

I have a few requests: first, don't be nasty. I mean that both ways. Mostly, be nice. Don't give some terrible word that would kill me to write about. Second, I am not doing significant research for this project. If you give me a medical term I know nothing about, I will not spend hours educating myself on the condition and giving my synopsis. I will probably tell you what the word reminds me of, or write about a person I knew once who had a grandma with that ailment. Mostly I just need a little practice and need a place to start. So, hit me.

Some of these pieces will mostly likely be disastrous, but somewhere along the line there will be a gem. Some will be drafted and edited and some will be slapped down here and called done. And for those of you who can't handle all of my words, I might throw in a picture or two for you.

Thank you kindly in advance. comment, email, pick up the phone... pray about it first if you want, but send me your word.

Welcome to Writing Project 2010!


Cammi said...

This is awesome Amberley, good work! How about dogs? A childhood pet, a pet now. Or animals in general, taking your kids to the zoo, their favorites?! Etc.
I always like reading your blog and envy how your words flow and your stories keep us interested so I'm excited to read what you come up with!! Love ya!

Torey said...


S said...

Amberly, I love this. It is such a cool idea. My word is Triumph.

The Silly Witch said...

I love it. My word for you is enthusiasm. Mary Ellen Edmunds says this word can be broken down to mean "God with us." Keep it up, and I'm glad you take the time to write.

Annie said...

Okay. I have one. Authentic. It's a word I think about often.

Jess said...


Jess said...

PS. I'd love to see what you come up with! I am currently working on the worst novel ever.

Krista Hegstrom said...


Kari said...

hard to choose just one word...


Unknown said...


T. Bateman said...

Oh I LOVE this! You are an awesome writer and I will definitely encourage your development of writing. The experience I throw into the bowl of possible topics is: your adjustment after moving to NY. This is partially selfish - my sister is going through her own adjustment at college and I think it's an interesting, yet challenging stage of development.

Tutz said...

My word is "REMEMBER"

Tiffany Ann said...

I love your writing, and I would personally love it if you wrote a book, I know I would read it. How about the names you gave your children? I think they are unique, and beautiful, I would love to read about how you chose them, and if they have special meaning, or what nicknames you have for them :)

Tiffany Ann said...

P.S. Thanks again for the 24 post, it was perfect!

Torey said...

OK, I have another one from you. This prompt comes from a great book of writing prompts called, Unjournaling by Dawn DiPrince and Cheryl Miller Thurston:

There are only three words in the English dictionary that start with dw: dwell, dwindle, dwarf. Write a paragraph that incorporates all three of these dw words.