Saturday, June 23, 2012

a summer saturday.


The mister is in New Mexico for the weekend.  He was going to take the kids.  That sounded kind of delightful.  Plans changed and the kids are here.  It’s ok, I kind of like them.  They woke up this morning determined to be happy little helpers and after the work was done they played great together.  I have most of baby’s clothes washed and ready for her- she doesn’t have a ton, but you don’t need a lot of clothes when you’re teensy, right?  Sounds lovely to lounge around in onsies or jammies all the time- you know, if you’re the size of a peanut. 

Then we went swimming.  And a weird thing happened.  I started a new book that I thought was a new book… into chapter two I realize that I’ve read it before and it’s not remotely new.  It’s one that was made into a movie recently and it looked good… I thought I’d read the book before I see the movie.  Turns out I read the book years ago.  In fact I think I own it.  Which make the fact that I bought this recent copy completely ridiculous.  Granted the cover has been redone since the movie release and it has been quite a while, but still.  Who doesn’t remember that they’ve already read a book?  Especially one that I liked?!  I may be going a little crazy. 

It’s ok, these guys still like me.


And man.  I love them.


eryka said...

I did the same thing recently. What book was it?

Tamra said...

I've totally done the book thing. My husband even told me, "That cover looks familiar." Seriously?? I don't remember much about what I read though. Can't wait to see your little one. Hope you're feeling well.

Lindsay said...

I love them too!