Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Bear" bottom?

And we were doing so well... at putting our underwear back on after we went potty, that is. I am referring to the little guy, not myself. Then for some reaon, this week, he decided it wasn't quite necessary and goes for as long as possible with a little bare bottom before he redresses. I understand there is an element of freedom to run naked through the house, but we're trying to develop a habit here, one of not coming out of the bathroom until we're dressed.

This week I finally understood that perhaps I was being misunderstood. Denten saw the little streaker dart from the bathroom and head straight for the living room and I heard, "don't forget your underwear!" I intercepted and explained that we can't go around the house in just our bare bottom and that he needed to get dressed.

"What? There is a bear coming out my bottom?!" This said while craning his head around to view his backside and walking in a circle trying to get a better view.
Laughing out loud was all I could do before initiating a wrestling/tickle match attempting to re-underwear the child. I guess the term "bare" has one very specific meaning for a 2-year-old.

Funny number two: I came downstairs yesterday to Cooper pacing back and forth in the kitchen saying, "I so nervous." What? What did you say? Did you just say 'nervous?'
"Yeah, I so nervous, mom." Do you know what nervous means?
"Yeah," while still walking back and forth. What does it mean?
"just nervous, mom."
The moment ended and I began to wonder if I was turning my son into a worry-wart like myself, which would be a very unkind thing to do, but I can not remember even using the term "nervous" in the last week... I have not been nervous about anything in a while and I can't think where he would have picked up that word... again, where do they come up with these things??


Emily said...

Bare bottom takes the cake! I love it!

The Silly Witch said...

What a silly boy. He must have an incredible imagination to believe that a bear could actually be coming out of his bottom. That would be a problem indeed.

bryn said...

yes, one must love the "bear" bottom. somehow, we have gotten the words "may" and "amen" mixed up in our house. so when the kids ask to be excused from the table it goes a little like this -- Tate: "may, i be excused?"; Ainsley: "i be excused, amen?"

Erin said...

too, funny!

Kari said...

Wow that is FUNNY! I just love kids at this age. I teach the Sunbeams in my ward and I laugh all the way home from church every week because of the cute things they say. One of them told me yesterday that my wedding ring 'sparkles just like the city.' WHAT?! Hilarious.

Sandi said...

He never ceases to amaze me. I love the nervous story. Once my brother kept asking my Mom when she was going to town (he was about Coop's age). She finally asked why he wanted to know and he said, "Oh, I am just so sick of you."