I never really had any strong feelings one way or another on this issue, but it did seem a little anti-climactic when the news was reported. Perhaps because Denten was so sure it was a boy that I had dreamed it was the night before, so hearing it was no surprise. I think I felt a twinge of disappointment, although I really can't put my finger on why. Now that I've had a chance to sit with it for more than 24 hours I'm sure things are just as they should be. There are a few concerns I would have had having two sisters so close in age (8 months) considering their unique ways of joining our family and I'm glad I don't even have to think about those things. I'm sure they will all be great pals and know that Heavenly Father knows just what he's doing up there while he's constructing our little family. Choosing a name for the little guy is going to present a few challenges, but let's face it, come the beginning of Feb, he'll have to be called something, so it's no use stressing over it now!
Here is yours truly in all my morning glory at 20 weeks, we're half way there folks! The little guy is 11 ounces, which doesn't quite explain the multiple pounds that my body has acquired, but he's healthy and any sign of vasa previa that was present in my previous pregnancy is not this time. Things are going as smooth as possible at this point.
And for those who requested, namely Cooper's aunties, here is a photo of my goggle-headed boys after Dad got home this week and Cooper was able to show off all of his new tricks in the pool.
It's a little strange to think that I would be a mother-of-boys if Seneca had not joined us. There are many mothers-of-boys I greatly admire and I think I could fully embrace that title, but I'm also so glad for the opportunity to raise little Senny and am so grateful that she is my little companion these days.
Yeah for boys! And here I was thinkng, it doesn't matter what comes next - she's got one of each, but I do know what you mean about 2 little sisters so close together. Just think how those two will help each other find dates. Oh the possibilities.
I sure admire your pregnant body - you still look lean and mean to me, I want to see some gut hanging out there... Soon enough... soon enough..
Congrat on the news. I'm sure Cooper will love having both a brother and a sister. I love the swimming picture.
P.S. from one swimmer to your swimmers - love the goggles!
I always have such nervous excitement before the "what am I having" ultrasound. It's like your first meeting of this tiny human who will change your world forever. Congrats!
You live in Arizona. Why are Coop's lips purple? I am just so excited to squeeze ANOTHER baby!
You are so cute and your boys are adorable. Congratulations on your new boy baby Robinson.
How fun that Seneca will have two brothers to watch out for her! That's very exciting. You look fantastic! Congratulations, again.
congrats on your new little guy! you look great!
Lindsay, we are used to 110+ degree weather around here... the blue lips come from the fact that it was only 90 detrees outside and the pool was below 85! Horror! I lasted as long as I could, came out and wrapped up in a towel to take pictures as Coop shivered in the water! We were at the park today and all the kids were cold after getting wet- it was still 95 outside! I know, we're sissies!
Congratulations on the boy! I'm so excited for you and am happy to read all of your updates.
Hmmm, if I get out my magnifying glass I think I see a tiny bump on your belly! Congrats! So exciting!
boy, girl, boy is a good way to go...at least so far. Congratulations and good luck! You look super.
yeah...i can see the pounds piling on to your backside. you are killing me. i LOVE coop's goggles, he must think those are very cool. does he know they start with a "g" yet?
YEAH! I was wondering when this news would come around! I am happy for you guys. You are looking fab...of course (mind you, I secretly hate you for this) and I love the goggles! We must get together soon!
Yay, it's a boy!
Your "bump" reminds me of the time you came over to visit teach me in NYC and you mentioned being pregnant (with Cooper) and i asked when you were due and you said "two weeks" and I about fell over.
I'm pretty sure when it's my turn people will think I'm due "any day now" and I'll really have four months to go or something... Yep.
I'm ready to see you with a big belly bump!
That is exciting about a boy! Really, I guess all babies are exciting. We are going girl, boy, girl. I like balance. It is great you have Seneca to enjoy all the fun that comes with baby girls. So glad that everything is going well!
Good grief Amberly, are you SURE there's a baby in there?! You look the same. I can't even tell you've gained weight! Congrats on another boy!
A million congratulations! Boys are amazing. Full of such wonder, excitement and joy even for the mundane. I am thrilled all is going well. And by the way, really that is you at 20 weeks? That is me after breakfast! :)
Wow... I am #19 for comments, girl you are popular! I need some reassurance that you even get my comments! When you are on YouTube for most comments, let me know...
Congrats on the baby...can't quite see a belly yet, so you better not be pulling our legs! ha! j/k you look great...
I agree, two girls so close and so different would be a future problem. God has your back.
Congrats on the boy! I think you're totally right--two girls so close would be hard, but a boy...so fun.
that is fun news!
I would like to suggest a name for the little bird in the cooker. This truely is a great name and if you dont use it i probably will. Lewis Levi. On second thought you cant use it, I will.
Fun news! You know, I think boys are fantastic! Your little princess will be just that! How fun to have an older brother and a younger one!
You look fantastic - are you sure you are 20 weeks! WOW!
Yay! Congratulations! I think it's perfect that Seneca is going to be the only girl for now. I picture her being the subject of much brotherly adoration.
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