Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All things shall have order

So I've been holed up in my house as much as possible lately in my "not suitable for going out" clothes in order to get through my endless list of projects that for some reason have suddenly become much more important as of late. This is simply to prove to the world (and to the those of you who have wondered if I have given up on getting dressed at all) that I have not actually been sitting on my couch eating bon bons (although almond joys have been involved). This is one of my newly organized file drawers... all purged, sorted, organized, color-coded and labeled. Ah, heaven bless you if you appreciate this order as much as I do, and for those of you completely content in your chaos... more power to ya- I just can't do it anymore!

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Emily said...

A beautiful sight to behold. You would shudder if you saw my filing cabinet right now (and possibly even die if you saw the laundry basket, yes you heard that right, full of docs that need to be filed in it)

So, are you available for hire? You know, in your spare time? ;)

Erin said...

Impressive and inspiring. I love to be organized but, sadly, am not very good at it. I like your approach of tackling one project at a time. I need to try that so it won't seem quite so overwhelming. What's most impressive is that you're able to do all this with two little ones at home, while pregnant! Bravo, Amberly. :)

eryka said...

That was exactly what I needed to see. I've been wanting to organize our file folder but whenever I think about it I go blank. Thanks for the inspiration. Now I just need to do it.

The Silly Witch said...

You rock. Can I fly you out to do my house, too?

tenacious d said...

Whoo! Very impressive. It is inspirational.

Becky said...

Complete bliss!! Your picture gave me that little tingly happy feeling inside :) Way to go!

Sandi said...

It must be that time of year. Love the order.