If you know me very well at all, you will atest to the fact that I appreciate maintaining control over my little world. This fact became even more apparant when I became a parent and had to learn to relax and "let be" a little. While I still struggle with this in regards to parenting, at least I'm aware of the tendencies. I've had a few experiences lately that have pushed me to "trust" in those who happen to have more control over certain aspects of my life than I do.
First, I've been having braxton hicks contractions for quite a while now. No big deal, everyone gets them, right? They came quite a bit sooner with this little guy than with Cooper, but from what I hear, that's also normal in subsequent pregnancies. The issue was that they started coming at a rate of 3-4 an hour. A bit of concern for the dr. at my last visit, so I started keeping track and they got to the point this week that it was wise to rule out preterm labor. Let me break this down a bit more. I have two small children. When I'm running errands, playing with Coop or doing housework the contractions are stronger and more frequent. When I take it easy, they are less apparant. We took a trip to the OB triage unit at the hospital today just to make sure things were ok. The first thing they did was have me lay down. The second thing they did was give me a shot of stuff to make contractions stop. Then they monitored me for an hour and lo and behold, there were not many contractions present! Go figure! The news worth receiving was that I am not dialated enough to be significant at this point and there were not preterm labor hormones present either, so I'm in good shape- except for those wretched contractions that of course resumed just after returning home. Lest you think I left the hospital without voicing this concern, know that I expressed my puzzlement at their monitoring methods and my nurse agreed... instructions: take it easy and come back if there are six contractions in an hour. Alright- they're the professionals, I'll listen. I really don't think there's much to be concerned about anyway, but it was nice to have someone else verify this.
Second, and I must tread lightly here seeing as I have ward members who lurk around my blog (lurking is not used negatively here, it simply means that you read and don't comment!) I have been reminded that those who are in positions of authority in the church are there for a reason. I am choosing to trust the inspiration of those in charge as the peaceful feeling regarding the releasing of and extending of callings has been more of a bit of turmoil to a few around me. I know the issue of inspiration when a calling is extended has always been a touchy issue as some take it quite seriously and others view filling positions in a more logistical manner. It's easy to look at a ward list and see who doesn't have a calling or who holds specific talents and "plug" them in somewhere, or look at the calendar and say, "yep, time for a switch," but I have always chosen to believe that those in positions to make such decisions choose to do so with the spirit's confirmation. While some callings may not have seemed to fit initially to me, I haven't ever really questioned them, knowing that they have been extended as they should have. Due to some recent shifting in our ward, I am struggling a little with that peace and know that it will simply take a little time. It's just one of those times that I am trusting that the spirit has been clear to those with authority and and praying that the uneasy feeling it left me with will go away. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the leaders that surround me and appreciate that they are the kind who are in tune with our Father in Heaven. The unfamiliar feeling to not have peace about it right away is perhaps a part of a lesson to me in trusting those who have the control, because unfortunately, it's a lesson that might have to be learned more than once.
I am so glad you are okay. And as for inspiration--trust me, it is firmly in place in our Ward. Sometime we can talk about it, not in public. :-)
WHat faith and testimony! It is true that we don't always know what we're capable of until we're put in a position to be stretched.
I'm so glad things are ok and hope you are SOMEHOW able to take it easy (no small task with two small children). What a miracle you are carrying within! Take care, my friend! :)
Take it easy girl! You've got (another) baby on the way...which is always the best excuse to relax & take a break! I am glad everything is okay!
I am glad everything is okay, take it easy, so you do not have to take another trip to the ER until it is time. Let me know how I can help.
taking it easy is so hard! i can never do this and often miss the fact i am going into labor until i am in the thick of it. do your best. cut down a bit on the hopes of perfection and know that we are all here to help.
p.s. yea, that inspiration thing took some serious learning on my part, although, i feel so much more comforted by it now.
Amberly, wow I know how you feel about the whole preterm labor thing. With all 3 of mine I've had it and it gets sooner everytime. Ask your ward and friends for help. Don't stress about your house being clean. It's ok for your kids to watch tv all day if it helps you relax. Frozen pizza isn't that bad. Sitting with your little guys to play chutes and ladders or candyland all day is actually kind of fun. Just try and take it easy and listen to your body. You know it best. Good luck.
I love reading all of your entries, but the ones where you really share what's going on and what you're thinking are the most inspirational. It is so hard to relinquish control and be willing to be patient with life. It's also hard when you discover that you may need to learn the same lesson more than once. You will make it through this!
Great thoughts, Amberly! I'm glad that you and baby are well :)
Speaking as an observer and participant in our ward leadership for the last 3+ years, I can testify to you that the Lord uses logic when placing callings. A favorite quote at our home is, "Information aids inspiration". Sometimes what people see as someone just being plugged into a calling is just another form of the Lord working in our lives...eternal principles of reason and logic at work :) I do admire your faith and determination to serve and sustain! You are a great person,Amberly!
Let's hire a housekeeper and work out a deal where she can do both our houses on the same day. I'm ready.
And about the other issue ... hmmm... I'm perplexed.
Yep, I sometimes wonder what people are thinking, or not thinking, when they tell a mother of small children to "take it easy"? What?@?$)
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