Friday, December 7, 2007

Five for Friday- Good Things

1. Gray rainy days. Normally the sun would suit me a lot better, but a cozy home day with great long naps is also much appreciated. Especially if you have a three-year-old with a terrific imagination that stands at the window and tells you all kinds of stories about the crocodiles that would get you if you left the house. Can't take that chance! One of life's best inventions: online shopping. It provides the ability to shop multiple facets, compare, contrast and purchase all while in my comfy clothes and does not have to be timed around when any particular mother or child needs to eat or sleep.

2. A patient husband. Whew, don't underestimate those! It took me a while to have the Christmas spirit hit me this year. I've been much too focused on how much everything is costing and frustrated with the inability to make decisions about certain gifts. After a little chat last night, I'm definately in a better frame of mind today and am starting to look forward to the magic morning when people I love get to unwrap their surprises! He's great about other stuff too, this one. Like helping me still feel attractive when the "waddling" phase of pregnancy is settling in for the long haul.

3. Friends who serve each other selflessly, offering always the right advice, lending whatever the current project demands, planning terrific parties and making me feel loved on so many levels. Here's some of our crew this week at the zoo.

4. Happy kids. Having Seneca's enormous smile greet me whenever I see her lights up my world. She is completely pleasant and is enjoying her crazy brother more and more lately.

Speaking of him, he's been pretty sweet himself, excited about the impending holiday season, completely enamored with Christmas lights, stories, music and of course the Polar Express. From attempting to master Christmas songs to simply barreling me over with hugs, he's a keeper this week. Not that this photo adequately displays this...

5. Whoppers. Yep, the malted chocolate candy. I inherited a weakness for this particular novelty from my mother and this time of year they are much too readily available!

One final note: my sister Katelyn has joined the blogging world (Wahoo!!) so check her out on my sidebar. Believe me, she's way more interesting than I am, so after you become a faithful follower, please still check in with me once in a while! I have the greatest sisters...


The Hunt's said...

whoppers, ick! denten and your children, not ick!!

gk risser said...

That is a good Friday. I love reading. -sus

Amy said...

Hear! Hear! for online shopping. It makes me oh so happy. Definitely worth avoiding the all-too-real crocodiles. Seneca's smile would definitely melt anyone's heart.

Kelly said...

Seneca gets cuter by the day! Cooper might not enjoy Oregon with potential crocodiles day after day after day after day.

Kim said...

That's a great five...and I'm completely with you on the cold rainy days~who ever knew they would make it feel more like Christmas?

Lindsay said...

whoppers are gross sister! but i really want to hear coop talking about the crocodiles! senny's little stripe outfit is cute!

Amy said...

I LOVE whopper as well! I once cried when I was little & my mom forgot to put them in my stocking! haha...funny.