Seneca is feeling much better and is back to her happy, easy-going self for the most part. We have discovered that she has a fancy for squash, much to her aunt linny's dismay, I'm sure. She has become quite the quick little scooter and can get across the room in record time. She especially likes to check out whatever Cooper is working on... today the tractors were delicious! We've also discovered that she has a bit of a strong will when it's time to sleep and she wants to be where the action is, except when it's 4:30 a.m. and there really is no action, but she thinks it's time to be awake anyway! Considering I'm not sleeping great right now, I'm happy to let her cry it out, but poor Denten is wondering if sleeping at the office these days would be a better alternative to coming home at night!
Cooper, hopefully, is past the worst of his cold and is being pretty good considering his lack of getting out and about these past few days. He's had fantastic bonding time with his tractors, trains and a few select Christmas movies and is thrilled about his new "sword" from aunt linny... I can't decide yet if I'm grateful for it, but he sure is! At least it doesn't hurt when I "accidentally" get wacked!
Lindsay also sent these completely cute shoes for Seneca... they are totally darling, I only wish they came in my size too!
As for me, my head is so full of pressure it's ready to explode and if I try to sleep I get that one-nostril-clogged-breathing problem, you know the one? Oh I miss the days of drowning in nyquil and not needing to worry that it will affect my unborn child or that I might need to be somewhat functional in the middle of the night... this, too, shall pass, yes? So I've spent my last few days sweeping, swiffering, mopping and vacuuming. The vanities, sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets are all sparkling and disinfected, the dusting is done, the laundry is down to one mere load to go before we're caught up, Christmas is wrapped and ready to go so let the in-laws arrive! Yes, that happens tomorrow and I just may crash when they get here, but I think we're all ok with that. I just may change out of the clothes I've been living in for the past two days and become somewhat presentable, you never know.
Denten has had a wonderful before-the-holiday rush at work and we've seen bits and pieces of him the past few days. It will be nice to have the week come to a close and have him around for a while.
A fairly mundane post, I realize, but that's my life right now. Grateful for the simplicity of it and the fact that it is possible for me to be a homebody when tasks and stuffy heads request such.
I'm so glad you're all recovering. Being sick while pregnant is the worst. Fluids and rest are about all you can do. And who can rest with children to take care of?
oh my goodness you guys have been busy. life feels like its 100 mph some days and other days it feels like the kids will never sleep through the night. the days are full of challenges and joys. its so fun reading your blog. so i need your address. we got your beautiful Christmas card and we have a New Years card to send, but I don't have the envelope the card came in anymore. if you post it on my blog i'll delete the address, or, email me at
Mele Kalikimaka!
I like your "mundane" post :) It's always such a bummer when so many people are sick--I'm impressed that your house is so clean when you don't feel well! Enjoy having family in town and Merry Christmas!
man, i'm in a fog too. i just got over speaking like a man...and now he wants to come back! you're tree looks great, but i think senny and coop would really like a train that went around it. senny could lick it and coop could make it go!
Your Chistmas angel is hillareous, it must have a story. And as for you, YOU CLEANED WHILE YOU FELT SO LOUSY? You needed the good fairy to come by. Hope you feel good, better, best soon.
I am glad you are starting to feel better,and I am impressed that you have been able to get so much done around your house. Merry Christmas, because I will probably not see until after it has passed.
I am so, so sorry for all the illness that has invaded your little family! Hopefully all will be well to enjoy Christmas Eve/Day. What sweet little things that come out of Cooper's mouth! He's such a tender little guy.
I hear ya on the lack of "good medicine" when pregnant, or needing to be coherent in the night! There will be better days! Good luck and enjoy the in-laws!
Did you get to crash the day after this post? You really are made of strong stuff if you were able to clean your house despite having a sick baby and being sick yourself.
Those shoes for Senny are adorable.
I hope you got to crash and are feeling better by now! That's rough to have everyone so sick. I'm impressed at all you are able to accomplish while not feeling well. Sickness pretty much turns me into a slug.
Merry Christmas!
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