Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend in Photos

I came home from Gourmet Group's cookie exchange and found this in my kitchen:

the little boy was asleep, but his dad was standing guard with strict instructions to not knock it over, or put it away. I wondered whose masterpiece it really was, but they were both so proud, it probably doesn't matter.

Seneca and her daddy

I think the fear of Santa is over this year...

And Senny just thought his beard was delicious!

It was a busy weekend that has resulted in Seneca feeling better, Cooper and I with colds and Dent trying to avoid it at all costs... goal: everyone healthy for Christmas!


Nancy said...

Get well soon!

Oh, and since you asked, my camera is a Nikon D80. I LOVE it. It's a tough learning curve but it's fun.

Sandi said...

It's a funny thing about men. Once they build something they must stand back and admire it. If they build a house, 20 years later they still drive by and say, "I built that house." Cute.