Friday, December 14, 2007

This Child of Mine

ok, coop's latest.

playing with cars: he says, "hold on, folks!" Folks? really? do I
say that? Yesterday while on the freeway I had to brake suddenly and
he yells out, "hold on, folks!" I about hit the car anyway trying not
to laugh out loud.

"swallow, seneca. you need to swallow your medicine little senny."

He didn't hear what I said a few days ago and with all sincerety
looked up at me and said, "excuse me?" He was not being sarcastic,
just so polite, like, mom, please repeat that, I didn't hear you.

He's learned how to sing, "Santa Claus is coming to town" and this
morning we woke up to him 'playing' it on the piano and singing at the
top of his lungs, "you better not cry...." He was very thorough and
used each key on the piano at some point I'm sure.

When he does not agree with me, I am promptly informed that "that is
not a plan, mom" or "that not a good idea at all." I tell him it's
the best idea I've got, so it's the one we're going with- good grief!
He also likes to create his own "plan," and tells me, "it's my choice,

Who is this kid??


Sandi said...

Ummm, yours? We raise them to be independent, just like us and when they are we are amazed. I am still amazed, 40 years later. What an adorable bunch of things about that sweet faced Coop.

Scrap Happy said...

Yes, you absolutely say the word "folks". Ha!

Amy said...

I've had those shocking moments of wonder myself. It's a crazy few years when they go from flesh of your flesh to shadow of your flesh to full on independent. We just have to sit back and say "what?!"

felicia said...

i hear you...i can't believe what little men these guys are turning into, and it's so funny to hear them say things you say to them! cracks me up! hope you guys have a merry christmas!:)