Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I keep stepping in wet spots on my carpet. Wondering how much water could have really been tracked in from the pool. I always make them dry off before they come in. Everyone who needs them has a diaper on. hmmmm.

Cooper is running through the house at a very steady pace, going from room to room carrying his water bottle. And then I see it. He lifts it above his head and gives a squirt. What? "I'm in a race, mom. gotta cool down." right.

I guess the kid learns from observation. We've been to too many races.


Sandi said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing.

Erin said...


Karen said...

That is so funny.

Lindsay Renee' said...


Jess said...

What a great imagination! :)

The Hunt's said...

So long as he doesn't figure out Gatorade! Go fast Coop!

KA said...

LOL. That was fun.