I was born to live here.
Not for the scenery, I apologize to the desert lovers, but I think it's ugly. No, for the heat. This is supposedly the most miserable month to live in Phoenix, but I am absolutely loving it. I love to feel it penetrate my skin whenever I step outside. It's thick and wonderful. Being outside is completely inviting to me and I look forward to my morning runs and my afternoon swims. I don't intend to be a baby, but I get chilly when I come inside, and we keep our house warm compared to most folks.
I look forward to our week at McCall every year, but I must admit that I dread the weather a bit. It does not seem right to me to need long pants and jackets in the middle of july. It's a bummer that my kids are great swimmers, but will most likely not show off their skills as they will be paralyzed when they jump into 55 degree water. It's ok, the week will still be delightful, even if I'm wrapped in layers. Let's just pray the sun comes out and does its job, ok?
We are in a ward that diminishes significantly in the summer months. People leave for weeks at a time to escape this weather once school gets out and I've got to say that I am in no hurry for this heat to go away. My body loves it. It feels good for me. This afternoon there were a few clouds blocking the sun while we were in the pool. I immediately wished them away. If the sun wishes to shine, for heaven's sake, let it!! I have to make a conscience effort to turn on the a/c in the car to accommodate my other passengers because when it's just me, it stays warm and cozy in there. So I take my jacket grocery shopping because they keep it way too cold in there for me, and I'll soak up all of this warmth while I can and hope that we have a long summer, one that leans long into the autumn months because this is great for me.
You need a little more body fat for insulation. :)
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