so much to say, no time at all. leave in t-7 hours for airport with the whole fam-damily for vacation. first stop: albuquerque.
relay swim meet tonight. coop swam freestyle better than denten and I have seen him swim before. he's getting the hang of a few things. he also swam butterfly in two IM races. he has fun friends, is seeing progress in himself and having a great experience.
I tortured our children today, also known as made them help me clean the garage. holy smokes, even two-year-olds come up with fantastic excuses not to help. it is a bummer when we don't go in until the job is done! denten wondered if someone robbed us, we conquered so many piles.
denten has been all over getting our lawn to look like it's alive. major time, effort and water and I hope we see progress soon.
I got new KSO's and I'm super excited about them. they are going to be better than the ones I have when running off road and when I run the river next week... although I am not excited to run the river. rafts are super. inflatable kayaks combined with major rapids give me major anxiety. trying not to think about it. the rest of my family think rafts are for sissies and old people. I happen to fall into one of those categories.
I am almost done with Enna Burning, the book that follows Goose Girl. It was a little slower to get into, but I have flown through it in the last two days. The story is gripping once you're there. I also read Outliers. It is based on a very interesting concept and I kept wanting to talk to denten about it except that he hasn't read it. It influenced how I am thinking about schools for Cooper as well as other opportunities for my children. I generally prefer fiction and that was the case here, but the stories and examples were very interesting to me.
I must go to sleep now. early morning, suitcases, children, bags, airport ruckus... should be a fun day!
I read goose girls, I'll have to get the next one. Have fun on your vacation! We'll have to do a girlst night out when you get back. Im turning 31 tomorrow ;(
maybe i should get enna burning back out if it gets more interesting.
i like outliers too. good books.
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