This morning I snuck a run in before the littles thought they were going to starve to death from not eating breakfast. Actually, only Seneca thinks she is going to starve. It's actually quite pathetic. After cleaning up, we headed to Barnes & Noble to find a favorite book for a birthday present this week. I could spend way too much time there. Seneca promptly found “Purplicious” and laid down smack in the middle of the children’s section on her tummy and began reading. Beckham chose train books and art books to keep himself occupied. Cooper managed the troops while I looked for what I wanted. New books smell so good. There were several I wanted to take home with me, but walked out with just one, making note of the others for our next stop. I need to remember to go back there more often. The kids are so happy to explore new books and play with the trains, I could have a good half an hour reading!
Next stop was the library. Again, I found way too many that I wanted, when I already have some at home waiting for me. And library books come with urgency, “read me, next! I’m due soon!” We’ll see if I can get through the one I’m in now and three more before they really yell at me! The library had a checkers table, a game Coop is totally into right now, thanks to Gram and McCall. We checked out the pieces and played a round. I kept fighting my urgency to hurry, reminding myself I had no where to rush off to. Sometimes I need to relax! Seneca took up her place on the reading couch and began reading out loud. Reading, you ask? Well, yes, she thought she was, as did a few others who sat down to listen. She was conducting her own story time while I looked for books for the kids.
After the library, we ventured down the street to the temple for a picnic and gander through the visitor’s center. It was cloudy, but still bloody hot and sticky. We sat on a bench and ate our snacks (found new salt and cracked pepper rice cakes that were a hit) and talked about the temple and whose house it is and what we need to do to go inside someday. Seneca wants to get married, immediately. There was a wedding party doing pictures our front and all of them thought the dress on the bride was meant for a princess! When we were ready for some A/C, we went to check out the visitor’s center. “Mountain of the Lord” was just starting, so we sat in but the little guy didn’t last long. I took him out to look at pictures of Jesus while the other’s watched the movie, but apparently they didn’t last much longer and came out, going the other direction and left the building. After Bex and I visited the Christus statue we went to find the others, who were long gone and nowhere to be seen. Normally panic would have set in, but the temple was right in front of me and I was certain that no one wandering these grounds right now were going to swipe my children and run away. We found them shortly and went back in to visit Jesus one more time.
Home for naps and quiet time. Cooper watched a new math movie we found at the library. He watched it armed with the remote control so he could pause and solve the problems with his pencil and paper. His idea, not mine. The other two conked out and I found my bed and “The Help.” I’m loving it and can’t get enough. It’s totally interesting to me, although I find myself thinking in ol’ mammy language sometimes. Snacks were raw broccoli with pesto ranch (it’s vegetable week in fitness challenge) and now Cooper has sheets of newspaper spread out over the entire house. It appears there is method to his madness, but I’m not sure.
I was supposed to water the lawn last night, but I forgot so I turned it on this morning, intending to turn it off before we left. That didn’t happen. Oops. It was on until 2:30 this afternoon… I guess we’ll see if the issue really is that it needed more water! The laundry room has been my afternoon project, putting away the last bits of our trip, pushing laundry through and clearing the island. I’m determined that someday that fabulous island will be used for more than folding laundry and collecting junk…
Dinner tonight must include many veggies… shall I throw them in eggs? or pasta? They both actually sound delicious to me. And for the record, Morning Star veggie patties are not as delicious as this month’s Real Simple said they were. I had such a good one (twice) in McCall that I thought I could duplicate it. bummer. And while we’re talking about food (are you still reading?) we tried V8 Fusion this week and my bottle was gone in a day and a half… and we are not normally juice people. It was way too sweet for me, but my kids devoured it.
My kids keep asking for dad. He’s their favorite. He says, “of course.” He’s kind of my favorite, too.
I know that rushed feeling that appears without rationale. Ironically, I'm subbing in RS this week and the lesson is on patience.
"Charlie's Superhero Underpants", Henry LOVES that book, and let me just be honest, so do I. Maybe one of yours might like it too.
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