I have had some not-so-good days this week, but today was a good day. Today I was a good mom and my kids were good kids.
I wrote a letter to my brother while the kids had learning time this morning. Seneca is tracing letters and I was amazed at how well she did with it today. She stayed right on the lines and was very dedicated to the task. She did the entire board 4 times even when her brother had finished and was waiting to play with her. “when I get done with my writing,” she’d say. She has a very focused, studious side to her- it comes out when she’s coloring or reading as well.
We went swimming after naps today and it was delightful. Sometimes we go swimming because I know we should- I know it’s good for them, but today it was good for me. I had a great time with my kids. I had been working earlier with the little ones on having them get on their backs after they jump in the water. Seneca mastered it earlier this year and Beckham showed no interest and didn’t appear to have the skill. We tried again today and he’s almost there. I was so proud of him watching as he tried so hard to do it on his own. I’m grateful that it is clicking and that he was willing to try over and over today. Cooper and I worked on me throwing the ball as he jumped off the board while he tried to catch it in the air. His dad must be pretty good at this trick, but Coop was patient with me and we got it. He swam laps with me today, doing all of our strokes. It felt good to release tension in the water and just swim.
We didn’t get out of the pool until after 5 and I hadn’t started dinner. We had a shower party, got everyone clean and in jammies and then they played so great while I did almond chicken, garlic potato fries and green beans. They got out the blocks and wedgits and were so creative building roads, buildings, robots and machines. I was so grateful that they played so well together while I got dinner together. They all ate a great dinner and we laughed a lot today. We kissed and read stories and tickled. We tuned music up loud and they all danced. Beckham and I made a very cool train track. We decided we need more geotrax pieces. I think heaven knew I needed a day like this. I’m so grateful for my kids and for their patience with me. I was grateful for a better day.
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