Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter, 2011

Cooper 6 1/2, Seneca 3 1/2, Beckham 3.  Getting a decent picture of all three:  impossible.


look, we have roses!  anybody want them? 


coop had already taken off his belt after church before we made him come take pictures. 

he’s contemplating something very deep in this one.


cheesy face.


the dress was perfect, Gram.  thank you!



kimmalee said...

Your kids are so darling. And you look beautiful as well. I loved those recital pictures and videos. So sweet.

Emily said...

Coop's deep in thought facial expression looks a lot like his mama!

And yes, after you get to 3 there is not hope of getting "the perfect shot". We settle for everyone being in the picture.

Michelle Burk said...

Super Cute Picts! Nice seeing you in a few shots. Love the cute dress.

Amber said...

I couldn't even get both of my girls in a decent picture together, I can't imagine trying to get three to pose.