Monday, January 23, 2012

eat. it’s what I do several times a day.

First, Thank You.  Wow.  Between this blog and facebook, I have had an overwhelming amount of love and support come at me and am incredible grateful for dear friends, family and your awfully kind words.  It is not quite the adventure I was planning on this summer, but will be an adventure of a different sort, one I’ll embrace gladly.  I may need your help, however, because I’m pretty sure my mother refuses to step foot in this state in July… I may need to send my kids to you.  That’s ok, right?!

Second, this one is different from the last two times I carried babies inside me.  I never felt quite this crummy with the boys- perhaps Heaven is mixing it up a little or perhaps I’m just trying to take care of three littles this time when I didn’t have quite the responsibility load before.  Thankfully, I think the worst is over, although tired is still here and demands to be heard.  And hunger.  Goodness, it’s amazing that I can feel famished after eating less than three hours ago.  This baby has gone through phases as to what he or she prefers. 

there was a bagel and cream cheese stretch- toasted and slathered with veggie variety, at least once a day.  glad that ended, it probably wasn’t so healthy, but man, when I wanted it, I wanted it.

then there are the apples.  honey crisp accompanied by peanut butter.  slice and dip.  and bless Denten’s heart, sometimes I need them right before bed, so he endures the crunching while we are on the couch.  but if I’m having cheese (english cheddar with carmelized onions) and wheat crackers, I need granny smiths.  the tart with the cheese and the crunch- mmm it’s good.  cheese can be found at TJ’s and F&E.  it’s very specific, I know.

there was the fish taco week.  I needed them.  finally got my hands on them and had them two nights in a row and for a few lunches after that.  I’m positive that Baja in Cali would taste much better, but for some reason, I just needed them. 

I also needed tomato sandwiches for lunch several days in a row, which is so weird because I despise tomatoes on their own.

and now for the repulsive?  occasionally I need mac and cheese.  not kind-of-healthy homemade kind, but the kraft variety straight from the blue box.  it’s not often, but once in a while it sounds better than anything else.  I know, it’s gross.  my kids see it in our house and wonder if the world is ending ‘cause mom does not buy that stuff.  however, they think it’s awesome and fully support my occasion lapses in judgment.

ice cream does not do it for me, neither do baked goods, which is alarmingly strange.  it’s like I need real food, in abundance. 

this week it has been breakfast burritos, although they are not limited to breakfast time.  a tortilla, cheese, a couple slices of turkey, a scrambled egg and a little salsa, all wrapped up, totally does the trick.  although it might be coming to an end and I don’t know what is next. 

any suggestions??


McKelle said...

I love it. Those are some pretty good cravings! I went through a jarred/canned jalapeño phase with my last pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, it was McDonald's double chese burgers. Yuck!

Leslie said...

With Tralee, everyday on my lunchbreak I went to Subway (they knew me by name) for the sweet onion teriyaki chicken sub toasted on wheat bread with loads of veggies (extra banana peppers no mayo or lettuce . . . they made me sick the whole pregnancy). Hunter I craved red meat and cheese (healthy, I know). :)

Lindsey said...

Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwiches were what I couldn't get enough of with Montanna and Costco's Polish Hotdogs were my most common craving with Eden. Neither one was healthy, but they made me so happy each time. Your post right now makes me hungry. I think I'm going to have to make fish tacos tonight. Yum.

Katelyn & Wade said...

I had a taco in your honor last night. And I, Katelyn B Hunt, craved bacon. Sick.

Emily said...

Katelyn, why are you having cravings???

Annika said...

I ate ice cream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT while I was pregnant with Banks! I craved it like mad! Maybe that explains why I gained 35 big ones an he weighed over 7lbs! I say heck, it doesn't last forever so just enjoy!!!