Wednesday, January 25, 2012


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Beckham had been waiting for his birthday for a LONG time.  There were always way too many days left until the big day.

In anticipation, we had a lot of time to talk about what he wanted to do for his birthday.  Roller skating was the answer and try as I might to sway him toward other options, this one stuck.  for good.  for a month. 

so skating, it was.

we took the whole fam-damily and invited Elsie to join us.

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thank you Heaven for skate mates.  my back couldn’t do two hours holding kids up.

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friends over for cake and ice cream later and he was one happy four-year-old. 

I keep telling him that it’s ok if he still wants to be three, but he never takes me up on it.  he’s the cutest four-year-old boy I know and gives the very best kisses around.  Man, I love this kid but he’s getting way too big, way too fast.

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