Friday, September 21, 2012

life now.

my apologies if you follow me on instagram, these will all be repeats.  but I need them here.


she’s pretty.


and happy.


she loves the parachute in P.E.


he started hip-hop class and is awesome.


she has crazy hair and awesome smiles.


bex and I did self-portraits.  I’m looking old.  he’s looking cute.


we went to the dr. at two months.  she cleared 11 pounds.  she’s awfully proud. and totally delicious.


I relish days when there is no music, soccer, dance or anything to take these littles away from their imaginations.  sidewalk chalk kept them happy and occupied with each other for hours.


miss Seneca and her fashion of late.  I call this look, “floof and kicks.” 


I’m not sure where I stole this from, but I love it.  it reminded me of the power and capability we have each day to do amazing things.  most of the time my amazing things occur within these walls and frankly, don’t seem so amazing, but slowly and surely mountains are being moved.  my mom gave me a magnet that is on my pantry freezer that says, “grant me the patience to deal with my blessings.”  it can apply to so many circumstances, but usually when I am standing in there refilling my ice cup for the 14th time, it applies directly to one of my children.  they are blessings beyond belief, but they also require patience.  sometimes a lot.  so I take a deep breath and return to my job of moving mountains.  a little at a time.

1 comment:

kimmalee said...

Those cheeks are amazing. I want to kiss and squish them so much! I love the sidewalk chalk pictures. Those three look so happy least at that moment.