Monday, October 1, 2012

Southern Charm: Charleston, SC


The Wentworth Mansion.  Full of history and charm, our home base in Charleston.


Look.  Autumn. 


U.S. Customs House and the Slave Mart.  The best part about this city is the history.  It was completely fascinating.  and sobering.  The slave mart has been turned into a museum.  It is one thing to hear stories about slave trading, but to stand where it all happened and listen to first-hand accounts of slaves, traders and masters is amazing.  In some ways our country has come so far and in others, it is devastating to see how much still needs to change.


We took a carriage ride around the battery and learned all about the area, history and homes.  A delightful way to visit a new city methinks. 


Sisters, I found you some window boxes and fun row houses… although a wrap-around porch would be necessary in this part of the country.


A visit to Fort Sumpter was on everyone’s list… except Stella and Gram.  Which was good because it was so windy they would have blown off the boat.  Seeing the geography and sites of the beginning of the Civil War was awesome.  So many rich stories and fascinating people…


The grounds at the Wentworth.  Seriously.  Why doesn’t Fall exist everywhere? 


Stella in Charlotte, D and I at the Wentworth. 

The age of this city and the history it holds was well worth the trip.  Again, I needed my sisters.  and even Boogs would have liked this place.  But time with D is valuable and my parents are fantastic company.  Ah, vacation.


Debi said...

Oh, I would love the history too. Beautiful pictures. I think Fall is only pretty in the East where they don't live in a desert.

tenacious d said...

I don't think that I have any emotional ties to Charleston until I see pictures. Sure, it was buggy and hot and humid in the summers and buggy and cold in the winters and smelled like horse urine sometimes. But it is also charming and beautiful and there's a house on the corner of I think Church and Atlantic that has huge tea olive bushes. What that smells like when it blooms is what I hope Heaven smells like.

The Hunt's said...

My heart skips a beat. I always thought I was supposed to be British. Maybe I was to be a southern belle instead.

Nona Haddock said...

You do an amazing job of writing and sharing pictures. It's fun to keep up with your family.