Friday, January 25, 2013

Cooper at 8.

Changes are coming to this little blog of mine, but there are a few things that should be noted now.

This handsome boy was baptized in October.  Aunt DaNae, Landon, Drew and Grandparents came.  Ava, Sister Foster, Brother Sunderhaus and the Grandberrys were there along with Isaac and Vicki Johnson and the Markles, our home teachers.  Sandi Grandberry documented the day in photos and made Coop a special book that is a treasure.  His grandmothers spoke on baptism and the Holy Ghost- he received his own scriptures and a new quilt that is to serve as a “comforter.”  His grandpas were witnesses.

Coop was meant to be right where he is right now.  He can get frustrated with his role at the top, but he also is just right for the part.  He is responsible and kind.  He is smart and creative.  He is athletic and musical and just enough like me to drive me batty sometimes.  He also has a brain that doesn’t work at all like mine and I am dumbfounded sometimes when I hear the way it works.  His creativity combined with math talent comes up with stuff that I work to comprehend.  He is a reader and a writer.  He is a soccer star and a football player.  He is a swimmer and a piano player and usually a pretty good example around here.  He doesn’t like brushing his teeth or cleaning his room and the smell in his closet sometimes makes me reel, but he takes out the garbage without complaint and I suppose he needs to have some flaws.     


Cooper had a fun party in the backyard with his friends.  He wanted to play outside games and have an obstacle course and do races.  He would be so happy if his life was one big wipeout course.  Margaret made these darling cupcakes for his party.  In attendance were Zach and Rachel, Kole and Ruby, Esben and Emma, Ava, Brody and Brooklyn, and Lauryn. 



Debi said...

Where did the time go? Coop is a darling big brother. So happy he had so much family there to support his baptism. Happy 8th Cooper!

Katelyn & Wade said...

Where was his Aunt Katelyn when he needed an obstacle course? And did I hear wipeout?? Watch out Coop, McCall's obstacle course just got WAY better!! So proud of this handsome devil.