Tuesday, January 27, 2009

leaving an impression

We received the entire Book of Mormon collection from the Living Scriptures for Christmas. I thought it was an awesome gift... I mean, if my kids are going to watch tv occasionally, they might as well be learning the scriptures, right? After all, kids are quite impressionable and often internalize and repeat the things they see on tv. Cooper has enjoyed these movies, even asked for them in place of other animated options. Great, I thought, he's developing a love for the gospel stories. Uh-huh.

And it came to pass that the scriptures are violent! Don't get me wrong, I have known this in my life, I've just never had it acted out in my home before.

He's been talking to a lot of "brothers and sisters" lately. And preaching repentance, loudly. He holds to the rod and builds ships and his favorite part of the Joseph Smith story is when he had germs in his leg and might have to have it cut off. That one had some help from primary.

This afternoon I stepped into the bathroom (I gotta do that occasionally) and when I emerged the house was dark. All the lights were off and all of the blinds were closed. what? "This is a day of total darkness, mom. There is no sun because of the nephites and the bad guys." Oh. This as he was hunkered down under the trampoline. Hiding from who knows what.

And while my home has never welcomed toy weapons, the child does own his own toy bow. Convenient that that is the weapon of choice in much of the Book of Mormon. He pulled it out in search of the Lamanites. Not sure if he got any...

Later I heard a little yelling and went to investigate. "Get out of my house!" Uh, we don't talk that way coop. "I'm just being Laban." Oh yeah? Tell me about Laban. He told me about Nephi and Laman running out of Laban's house and leaving Jerusalem (he likes to enunciate jerusalem). Written as told: "The Lord shook the ground helped Nephi get the plates. He picked up his sword out of his slot and he died him. He put on laban's clothes, and goed to a man that has the plates. That was a safe way to get the plates. That man that got the plates for Nephi, he was really good at secrets, he can't tell a single thing. He's very good at secrets. Me too."

Yep, those movies are doing their job, and mine. Proof that that darn box on the wall leaves a great impression on little minds.

* edited to add: Denten just reminded me that Cooper has been proclaiming to all of his imaginary friends around here that "we are a chosen people." indeed we are.


JoAnn said...

I absolutely agree where you are coming from. It took me a while just to get used to the Book of Mormon for kids from the church. But little boys love those stories and hopefully it teaches them something along the way.

eryka said...

I love little boys and their testimonies. While we were in Spain Isaac would teach the other kids how to play Laban and Lemuel against Nephi. I found out after a friends mom asked where he came up with those names.

Amy said...

This has me grinning ear to ear. Loved every bit of it.

Lindsay Renee' said...

that's too cute. we've got the liken the scriptures series, aabout five of them--Madison knows the stories of Ammon and the King's Sheep and Samuel the Lamanite quite well. It's nice to see kiddos catch on to scriprture stories so well with the aid of visuals. thanks again for watching my babes today!

Deanna said...

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

Nancy said...

Awesome story. Sounds like he's a fast learner.

Rebekah said...

Proof that little children anre learning evern though you don't think they are. Cooper is a great boy. "And Children taught their parents"

The Hunt's said...

Well. I just love this post.

Kari said...

LOL...I'm laughing so hard right now! That is a riot! I loved the 'this is a day of total darkness, mom." Like, duh!

tenacious d said...

That is so cute! How do you keep from kissing the crap out of those little kids of yours all day long?

KA said...

No need to conduct an expensive study on the impact of media, right? While you're expanding your watch and learn library, you might want to take a look at the leapster learning to read series.

Croslands said...

Sounds like I need to invest in these great videos. Cooper is awesome!

Kristi said...

That's hillarious! Adam went through a similar phase. He loved to watch those videos, unfortunately he always chose to act out the "bad guy" in each, or just choose the violent parts, like Ammon chopping off arms, etc.

T. Bateman said...

I think I could benefit from watching those movies. Sounds like they would make anyone remember the stories and characters. :)