Thursday, November 26, 2009

Grateful on Thanksgiving

1. I'm grateful for Denten. He's funny and smart and hot. He's faithful to me and to his Heavenly Father. He's consistent and a wonderful father.

2. I'm grateful for Cooper. He is hilarious and tender. He is smart and kind. He is a lot like me and therefore occasionally aggravating, but I'm sure glad Heavenly Father saw fit to send him to me.

3. I'm grateful for Seneca. She is beautiful and full of life. She is clever and happy. She is emotional and enthusiastic. She both makes me crazy and melts my heart. I thank Heaven every day for the fact that she found her way to our home.

4. I'm grateful for Beckham. He is charming and lovable. He is mellow and squishy. He is developing an opinion yet still often agreeable and easy-going. He is miracle number three and appreciated no less than the first.

5. I'm grateful for my Savior and the sacrifice he made so that I can have the experiences I'm having. I'm grateful for second chances with my children and for a future that will last into eternity. I'm grateful for the covenants I have made with my husband. I'm grateful for my life.

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