Tuesday, May 11, 2010

tuesday randoms.

- do you ever need a catch-up-on-paperwork day? I need one. the mail is piling up, notes that contain items to be calendared, bills, random papers that need to be addressed and then thrown away.

- we have a ghost here at the homestead. sometimes when everyone is in bed he'll make little noises. I used to think it was someone out of bed (which is an unfortunate frequent occurrence) but most of the time it's my little ghost friend reminding me that I'm not alone. Tonight we were all eating dinner and the back door magically opened all by itself. Just our little ghost. I haven't decided what his name is yet.

- our new home teachers are coming tonight. they'll have to come into the family room because we don't have lights in the living room yet. we have our choices narrowed down to two... that's major progress! don't worry, mom. it'll happen eventually.

- we are holding strong at not turning our air conditioning on yet. that's serious business considering we've almost hit the middle of may! at night we sleep with the door in our bedroom open and the screen door closed. in the morning sometimes I swear I live in an aviary. There are so many bird noises outside- it's like they are all greeting each other every morning and there are so many different sounds they make. Some tweet pretty songs, some screech and some sound like they are growling. There are so many species outside hopping on the lawn and flying in and out of trees and the best part? NONE of them are pigeons! I've never really been fond of birds, but these here don't bother me. They are pleasant little happy things and I like waking up to them.

- 24 started out slow this season but has fully redeemed itself. last night I was so thoroughly engrossed in the storyline and then it just ended! I hate when that happens! They have definitely left me wanting for more.

- Denten is gearing up for the Tempe International Tri next weekend. He was swimming this morning and so we went out on the patio to have breakfast so we could cheer him on. We enjoyed our eggs, sausage, toast and juice as he did his laps. It was perfectly delightful out this morning. Breakfast on the patio should become a more regular activity.


Jess said...

I am impressed that you haven't turned on the air conditioning yet! I gave in and turned ours on a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to go longer, but we got a bout of humidity.

Jaime said...

a little ghost? i am not so sure i would be chill with that. are you sure?

eating breakfast outside sounds dreamy! enjoy it.

Annie said...

Don't even get me started on 24. I can't watch that show without chewing my fingernails completely OFF. You think I'm kidding. Jack is my dream shag.

Thanks for your cute comments by the way. Made me feel kinda cool.

Tutz said...

His name is "Holy". He should be around most of the time, so don't lock him out.

Your patio is great. Enjoy!