Wednesday, July 28, 2010

reality check.

I'm grateful for the potential of a great summer storm. It keeps teasing, but hasn't fully unleashed.

I'm grateful for a swim staff that made cooper's summer so great that there were quiet heart-breaking tears as we left the pool and all the way home.

I'm grateful for options, even when they also seem like torture.

I'm grateful for quiet inspiration that teaches me what each of my children need, and that it is not the same for each one.

I'm grateful Beckham stayed on his bed tonight and did not attempt to come out once.

I'm grateful for sore muscles that indicate I'm getting stronger.

I'm grateful for access to good books that give me the opportunity to think about things other than my daily mothering tasks. Capitol punishment, how Christians and Jews view Christ differently and terminal illness... all in one book.

I'm grateful that the judge put a hold on vital pieces of Arizona's immigration law. I agree with her.

I'm grateful that the view out my window now includes lush, green grass. miracle.

I'm grateful that Denten will listen to me vent and work things out out loud, even when they are things we don't agree on.

I'm grateful that I have not had a police search helicopter circle above my home in four months. Sorry, Jackie.

I'm grateful that Seneca lets me brush her hair every night before bed. It's beautiful and I love doing that.


Lindsay said...

Coops swimming is already over?

The Silly Witch said...

What are you reading now?